Chapter 1: The Audition

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New story! I hope you like it! Please tell me what you think. I do not own any of the songs used in this story.



"Samantha Jones," the lady at the front desk calls out.

The girl tapping her foot nervously and annoyingly, sitting next to me, gets up and walks towards the doors to the audition room. The moment she enters another girl comes out crying. I watch the girl run across the room and out the building. The next thing I know I'm nervously tapping my foot against the floor board.

I've been waiting for this day my whole life. Ever since I was four I have always lived and breathed music. Everyone tells me that I'm good but I don't think I'm good enough. So I never performed in front of anyone other than my family. That is until one day when I was singing and playing guitar in my room my older brother and sister were recording me and put the video on YouTube without me even knowing about it. The next day at school everyone was telling me how talented and amazing I was. I was confused. I was so very confused because I know I didn't do anything so they can all compliment me and talk to me. Nobody talked to me but my best friend. So why were they starting now? That's when Chloe, my best and only friend, ran up to me saying I finally performed in front of an audience. I asked her what was going on and then she showed me the video.

Guess what my reaction was after that. I was angry. No, I was beyond angry. I was pissed. My brother and sister told me that they did it for me so I could stop singing alone in my room and get out there. Even though I was still mad at them, I listened to them. So that's what I did. I started performing on YouTube. I got many views, likes, and positive comments. I did get a few negative comments but that never really bothered me. I'm kind of happy that my brother and sister recorded me that day because then I wouldn't be here now. Sitting in a waiting room to audition for Star Life Records.

The last time I performed on YouTube I got an email saying they would like me to come and audition to get signed by their record label as a solo act. I was beyond happy because that is the best record label out there! The only problem is that the record label is in New York and I live in Colorado. They told me it was fine and will be holding auditions in a theater they own here in Colorado and if I do get signed then I will have to move to New York. So here I am nervously waiting for them to call my name. But I know I'll do fine. Music is my life.

"Alice Brown," I look up from where I'm sitting towards the lady at the front desk.

"Your next," she says.

I look across from where I'm sitting and see a boy with green mesmerizing eyes staring at me. He notices and gives me a small smile. I return it before getting up with my guitar and heading towards the audition room.

The room is pretty empty. Just a small stage sits at the front of the room and a long table sits across from it seating three people who I assume work for Star Life Records.

I walk onto the small stage and sit on the stool in the center with my guitar.

"Hi," I say nervously.

"Hello, who are you and what will you be doing today?" The middle aged lady with a British accent says.

"I'm Alice Brown. I am 17 years old and I am going to be performing a cover of Someone Like You by Adele."

"Okay Alice, start when you're ready." She smiled.

I nodded and began to play my guitar then I started to sing.

"I heard that you're settled down

That you found a girl and you're married now.

I heard that your dreams came true.

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