Chapter 4: You don't talk much, do you?

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"So let me get this straight." Chloe says through the phone. "You audition to be a solo act for Star Life Records and when you get to New York the plans have changed and now you're in a band. With four other boys?"

"Yep." I nod. I have organized everything in my now new room to make it feel more like me. I had just finished talking to my dad letting him know that I arrived safely and about the whole new set of plans when I decided to call Chloe and tell her about it.

"Are they hot?"

"Chloe!" I exclaim.

"What I'm just curious." She says innocently.

I was about to respond when I heard a knock on the door.

"I have to go. I'll talk to you later." And before she can say anything I hang up.

"Come in." I say as I get up from my laying possession and sit up on my bed.

The door opens and Carter comes in.

"Hey," he says and walks up to me.


"The guys and I are going to order something to eat and wanted to ask you if you wanted anything."

"Um, anything is fine."

He stands there and stares at me for a second. "You don't talk much, do you?"

I don't say anything and just stare at him. What am I supposed to say? I do talk. It just takes me some time to trust a person. So guess how I feel now living in an apartment with four complete strangers I haven't learned to trust yet!

He waits there expecting me to answer but I don't.

I just stare at him dumb fondly.

An awkward tensions starts to build up and he notices because his eyes start to wander around the room and he starts rocking on his feet.

He puffs his cheeks and let's out a breath before speaking.

"I'm just going to go." He turns and heads for the door before I finally speak up.

"Wait, I'm sorry. I'm just not very good at talking to people I just met." I said playing with my hands. He turns around to face me and shrugs.

"It's okay. I understand." He smiles at me.

I smile back.

"So your from Colorado, right?" He says sits at the edge of my bed.

"Yeah, my home." I laugh. "I lived there all my life so it's going to take some time to get used to here. I'm going to miss it. But I guess we just have to deal with it." I shrug.

"I've only been there once to visit my cousin. It's pretty cold there. But I'm not used to that weather since I'm from California." He says proudly sitting up tall.

I raise an eyebrow at him. "You seem to be pretty proud about that."

"Well yeah. All the great celebrities are from there. So that only makes sense why I got signed by the label."

I cross my arms over my chest. Did he really just say that?

"So what you're saying is that just because you live in California you are much better than everyone else?"

His eyes grow wide and he shakes his head violently. "No! That's not what I meant! I- ugh!" He groans and gets up pacing the room and running his hand through his hair.

I stare at him and can't help but think he looks cute when he's nervous.


Hold up. What?

What was I thinking? I just met him! I think I'm just hungry. I haven't eaten since I got here. Yeah. I'll go with that.

I shake my head from my thoughts and notice he is still pacing the room.


He didn't here me.


He started mumbling to himself.

I sigh. I get up and step in front of him stopping him from making a crater on the floor from his pacing. He bumps into me and looks up with a nervous expression on his face.

"Carter," I said. "It's okay. You didn't mean it that way. I get it. We all make mistakes. So don't worry about it." I give him a small smile.

He stares at me for a second before smiling back.

"You know. I thought this whole band thing wasn't going to work out because I thought we wouldn't get along. But I was wrong. You're not that bad Alice." He bumps my shoulder smiling at me.

"You're not that bad either Carter." I smile back at him.

In the distance we hear the front door being open then closed followed by a shout.

"Pizza's here!" One of the boys yell.

Carter turns his head towards me and extends his arm. "Shall we go have dinner Ms.Brown?" He says trying to imitate a fancy accent.

I giggle and loop my arm through his. "We shall Mr.Carson." I say in the same accent and we both walk out my room to eat with the rest of the boys.

This is turning out better than I thought. Like Carter said. I thought it wasn't going to work but I still went for it. And everything is turning out good so far.

Maybe it won't take to long to get used to this place after all.




So what did you think? Is it good is it bad? Should I continue or not?

Hopefully this wasn't to short! I'll try to make the up coming chapters longer if they are.

Halloween is this Friday! Yay! I can't wait!

I also can't wait for the new Walking Dead on Sunday! So excited!

I need a new book cover...
Have any suggestions or should I keep this one?


Picture of Alice on the side

Well until next time!

~ ATripToMars ~

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2014 ⏰

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