Chapter 2: New York

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Hey Everyone! New chapter! I hope you like it.



"Okay do you have everything? Did you pack your toothbrush? Do you have your hair products? Did you pack for your 'you know what'?" Chloe whispered at the end.

"Chloe, your acting like my mom!"

"Well your mom is to busy stuffing her face in a magazine so I have to step up and be the mother today." She says putting her hands on her hips.

I laugh at my best friend and nod in agreement. It's true, my mom works for a clothing line and is always traveling the world designing. My dad is usually at home, he's a lawyer so he doesn't have to travel as much. My mom knows I'm leaving today for New York but she doesn't seem that interested. Wait, let me rephrase that. My mom doesn't care whether I'm leaving or not. She doesn't want me to work in the music industry. She thinks it's silly, a waist of time, and immature of me to even think about it. My mom wanted me to become a fashion designer but eventually gave up when I refused to wear one of her designer dresses to a party. After that my mom didn't talk to me for a week because I insulted her designing skills.

After that my parents, or should I say my mom, decided that I wanted to be a lawyer since my dad is a lawyer I can easily learn from him. I refused to do that too but my mom said that I have no other choice. When I told her that I wanted to become a musician she immediately told me no. I tried to persuade her but she wouldn't change her mind. Until she told me if I got signed by a good record label then she would let me choose what I want to be but if I failed then I would have to come back home and be the lawyer my mom wants me to be. That's why I am so determined to do good and work hard. I don't want to be controlled by my parents my entire life. I want to be independent. I want to be myself.

"Okay, well you're all packed. Are you ready to go?" Chloe asked dropping her hands to the side.

"Yeah," I sighed smiling.

She smiled back and took two of my bags and started heading downstairs.

I stayed back and took one last look of my room. It was empty except for my bed, my empty bookshelf, and dresser sitting in my room. I can't believe I'm already leaving.

I took the rest of my bags and made my way down to the living room.

My dad was talking to my brother and my sister was talking to Chloe. My mom is probably in the kitchen doing who knows what.

"So are you ready to go little sis?" My brother, Ryan, asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

He laughs and makes his way outside to the car with my bags. I turn towards my dad.

"Dad are you going to the airport with us?" I asked him.

"No, sorry sweetie. I have to go to a meeting later for work and it's really important."

I frown. "It's okay. I understand."

Typical of my dad. He always has meetings to go to and never has time to spend with us. Don't get me wrong. I love my dad very much. I just wish he could miss work for once and give us the time he never does.

"I hope you have fun in New York sweetie. You will shine so bright the stars will be jealous. Just remember to rise. Rise as far as you can reach. Don't forget that. And don't forget to pay a visit to your old dad. This house will be real quiet without your beautiful voice singing." He smiled.

I laughed and hugged my dad. I don't know what I'll do without him.

My dad and I exchanged goodbyes and was about to head out the door when I remembered.

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