The Hidden Robot???

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I heard A noise coming from the shed, I stopped in my tracks and went inside and I looked around. "Hello, Who is there???" I asked. "Hi, Sofia" A giant dingy-looking metal machine (Robot) had came walking towards me. "What are you?" I cried backing away. "I am Vin, what is the problem" Vin asked. "Well it's hard to explain" I said. 《I can't tell this THING, for all I know it could be some kind of weird government spy or something》 I thought to myself. "You can tell me anything" Vin  had stuttered. "How did you know----?"  I asked. "I'm A Mind-Reader" Vin said. "Okay, Well, my mom is getting married to my step-mom but I don't know what I'm gonna do" I said. "Follow me" Vin said guiding me......

We got into the forest started eating my snack that i ha in my backpag, and then I saw Annie. "What are you doing here" i asked. "Uhm that is s none of your business Loser" She said to me. "I don't understand why you have even been bullying me" I told her. "Because you shut me out" She said. "And it's hard to socialize when your dad left you" she continued. "You think that is bad, my dad died" I said. "Sorry for your loss, I just want us to be friends again" She said. "Do you forgive me?" I asked her. "Yea sure" She hugged me. "Did you eat all my snacks?" I asked looking in my bag. "Yea sorry" We both laughed. I had heard A loud Siren coming from the road, my mom and Ms Ramirez came out running towards me, but Vin attacke them. "You know what we have to do" Annie ran to the car and have me the wire. "SOFIA NO" I heard Ms Ramirez cry, but I was too late I stuck Vin with the wire and WOOSH!!!! Ther was A loud explosion......

**Later That Day**

I woke up in the hospital and My Mom, Annie, and Ms Ramirez  were standing next to me. "Why am I in here?" I asked them. "Yoy sacrificed yourself to save your parents" Annie said. "Sofia I'm understand if you don't wanna be my step-daughter" She said. "But I do" I said reaching into my Mother's pocket and taking the ring. "Sofia, you don't have to do this" My mom said stopping me. "But I need you to be happy"  I said taking Ms Ramirez's hand. "Will you be my Step-mother??" I asked her. "Yes, I will" She said putting on the ring and she hugged me......

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