hawaiian party

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Ethan Dolan~16
Grayson Bailey~16
Ethan Dolan

Grayson and I were going to my house to study and hangout then we were going to a party at someone's house.

You see Grayson is my best friend, or at least that's how it's viewed. But to me he's more than just a friend. I've been in love with Grayson for a while. I probably realized it when he came out as gay, of course I didn't mind it because I'm bisexual.

I plan on telling him that I love him tonight and I hope it goes well.

We just pulled up into my driveway and right as we walked in Grayson threw his backpack at me and as I caught I watched him run up the stairs.

I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful boy and carry his bag for him. I walked into my room to find him already on my bed so I put the bag down and went to play some music on my baby blue record player.

As I was writing some things down I felt something hit my head so I looked to the side to see that he threw a crumpled up piece of paper at me. I couldn't help but stare at the boy lying on my bed laughing at me and feel butterflies in my stomach, his laugh makes me fall even more in love with him than I already am if that's even possible.

After a while of just talking to Grayson I took him home so he could get ready for the party. After he left I sighed deeply, why can't he just love me as much as I love him.

I plopped down in my bed when I got home since I had nothing to do, the party was in an hour. As I just blankly stared at the ceiling all I could think about was Grayson, grayson grayson grayson. "That's all I seemed to think about nowadays" I said to myself as I slid down my wall over thinking how he would react.

I was now on my motorcycle driving to the party. When I got there I just parked my bike and left my jacket on it. As I was walking through the big house I saw people making out or playing games with loud music blaring throughout it all.

As I walked around a bit more and greeted my friends I spotted Grayson with his friends. He looked so good in the all denim outfit he was wearing.

I slowly approached him and decided I should  just get it over with.

I tapped him on the shoulder and said those three words.

"I love you"

He didn't say anything nor did he do anything he just stared at me in shock. I quickly walked away leaving the house. I'm so stupid and.... embarrassed I probably just ruined our friendship, ugh I shouldn't have said anything.

As I got to my bike I put on my jacket and then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Grayson standing there.

I simply said "what" in a soft tone acting like I didn't just confess my love to him , I wasn't gonna be rude to him just because he simply didn't have feelings for me.

Instead of answering he did the unexpected, he put his arms around my neck and kissed me and I immediately kissed back as I put my hands on his waist. He was a lot shorter than me which I loved but I had to bend down to kiss him, I don't mind it though as long as I'm kissing him.

We parted away and his lips were so red, they were irresistible so I gave him one last kiss and carried him then plopped him on my bike. He started giggling and it was adorable how scared he was.

I assured him it was gonna be fine if he just held onto my waist as I gave him my spare helmet. I sat down in front of him and we drove off to god knows where but I didn't care as long as he was with me then I was fine.


Woah 702 words

I decided to do a grethan one shot based off of Hawaiian part because I wanted to and in honour of Pride Month


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