halloween bash

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This is based off of the scene with Steve and Nancy in season 2 of stranger things when they're at the Halloween party. Grayson is Nancy and Ethan is Steve.(not everything is going to be accurate)

Not related
Grayson Wheeler: 17
Ethan Harrington: 18
Sad and spoiler alert

Ethan's Pov

Me and Grayson were standing somewhere in the corner talking when suddenly billy came up to us.

I wasn't really listening to them I was focused on Grayson who was now walking away.

I followed after him to see him standing there chugging a drink which probably had more alcohol than he can handle.

"Hey...Woah, woah! Hey...woah, woah, woah! Take it easy. Take it easy. Gray, Gray, Gray..."

"We're just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn't that the deal?" He said chugging down more of of the drink before walking off into the crowd.


About an hour later me and Grayson were dancing and I turned around for a few seconds but when I turned back to face him he was gone.

It didn't take me long to find him trying to get more alcohol.


"Get off" he said obviously sounding wasted.

"No you've had enough, okay?" I took the cup from him and tried to throw it in the trash but he took it back.

"Screw you!" He said putting more of the toxic drink into his red solo cup.

"Gray, I'm serious. Hey. Hey. Hey. Stop. No, I'm serious" we were now basically fighting for the cup.

"Put it down"


"Gray put it down"

"Ethan stop"

"Stop, stop" I tried to take the cup from him but he wouldn't let me and soon the cup fell all over his white shirt.

Everyone was now looking at us as Grayson walked away to go wipe off the drink which is definitely not gonna come off anytime soon.

I followed him into the bathroom as he started to try to wipe it off with a wet cloth.

"Gray I'm sorry".

He just ignored me and continued to wipe it.

"That's not coming off Gray".

"It's coming" he said obviously still wasted.

"Come on. Let me just take you home, okay? Come here".

"You wanted this" he said slurring his words.

"No, I didn't want this I told you to stop drinking".

"Bullshit" he said.

"No it's not bullshit, okay?".

"Bullshit" he said repeating his words.

"It's not bullshit Gray".

"No you, you're bullshit".

"What?" I asked confused.

"You're pretending like everything is okay. You know like we didn't... like we didn't kill barb. Like it's great. Like, we're in love and we're partying. This is bullshit"

"Like we're in love? I asked emphasizing on the word like.

"It's bullshit"

"You don't love me?" I asked feeling sad. I know he's drunk but it feels like he means it.

"It's bullshit" and as he said that I walked out of the bathroom and left the party.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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