Why?! (pt.1)

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Why do I want to scream until I can't breathe?

Why do I want to cry until I can't see?

Why do I want to yell until I can't talk?

Why are you always my first thought?

Why do I want to sleep and never wake up?

Why did you have to be the one I love?

Why do I want to run until I can't walk?

Why can't my suffering just stop?

Why do I want to swim until I'm tired?

Why did your love for me retire?

Why do I want to lay and let the bed sink me in?

Why were you the one to reel me in?

Why were you my whole world?

Why can't I still be your girl?

*Now that I think about it, this one just sounds like me complaining lmao! But anyway, tell me what you think about it! Was it good? Was it not your cup of tea? Please let me know in the comments! Also, if you did like it, help a homie out and please vote!

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