When Is The Funeral?

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"vintage Café.", he shrugs. 

Connor nods happily and writes some stuff down they'll need for the Café. Hank sits back and smiles at Connor who hands him the notebook. 

"We just need to repaint the place, get some furniture and uniforms and we're good to go!" 

Hank nods and reads the notes. 


"You sure you don't need help?", Hank snickers while watching Connor paint the wall, not reaching the upper parts. 

"I am very sure, thank you.", Connor rolls his eyes. 

Hank laughs and shakes his head. He grabs a brush and helps him paint anyway. Connor suddenly grins and puts his hand in some paint and smacks Hanks butt. 

Hank yelps and looks at Connor who wheezes and holds his stomach while laughing loudly. Hank smirks and puts his hand in the paint bucket, smacking Connors ass too. Hank snickers when Connor yelps out and blushes. 

They both look at each other before laughing. 


Both males look at their finished work, proudly. The place was decorated with 70s inspired furniture and wall decoration like vinyl covers and they even had a record player playing one of the vinyls. 

"Great! All we need are uniforms-" 

"Already got them!" 

Hank blinks at Connor who holds up a bag, grinning. 


"Doesn't matter! Let's try them on! I thought we should keep it 70s!"

They walk into the restrooms to get changed. 

Hank walks out, feeling rather awkward while pulling on his apron. He wore dark brown flares along with a tight orange and red striped shirt along with black shoes and an orange apron. 

He turns towards Connor and blushes slightly. He was wearing brown wide legged pants along with a tight shirt and tucked up sleeves with a beads necklace. His hair was wilder than usual. 

"Hank! You look great!", he chirped while Hank blushes Intensely. 

"Y-You too-", he stuttered out, blushing. 

Connor giggles at that. 


After the opening of their vintage diner, the place was already packed with teenagers and vintage lovers! Some adults also came to feel the nostalgia of the place, reminding them of their youth. 

Hank pours another cup of plain coffee and a milkshake for an elderly couple. Connor hands the plates of pancakes to a group of teenagers who just came from school to hang out together. He then handed them the bottles of toppings they had ordered. He smiles at the chattering of the teens and the thank yous before he walks to the kitchen again. 

Once they closed the diner down, they made dinner for themselves and their little puppies. Hank prepares some smoothies while Connor put some cooked vegetables, rice and yogurt sauce on their plates. He places them on the table along with Hank placing the smoothies down. 

When Connor walked into the kitchen again to get them forks and spoons, Hank noticed a little boy in front of their diner. Probably around 5 years old. He had dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a dark blue shirt along with some baggy jeans and some sketchers.

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