Chapter five

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Wow Gaara hasn't changed much. His hair got longer he wears a red robe now, but he's still adorable. Still has that mark on left side of his forehead. "So what's this festival for Gaara" I smiled just cause he looked so good under the sun. "Because of the chunin exams coming up we're having a fastival for those Genin's that are going to take the Chunin exams." THATS kinda neat "well I defiantly wanna cheer them on" I said joyfully "oh, I thought you would be
M sad because your still a chunin" Gaara said I looked at him and smiled

"look I passed almost all the tests but one because what was happening so I'm not too worried, but I'll still try. I can't understatement my opponent I'll just lose that way" he looked surprise, but yet happy. His smile is adorable and kinda ho- "why are you biting your lip?" Why do I do the most random shit when I'm thinking about him.

"Why are you biting your lip?" I said. He looked surprised. Why was that hot? Why do I want to kiss him so badly? Is that bad? "Oh I was scratching my lip..." I laughed because how cute he was "anyways they want us to put the lights up, get shit load of fo-" I stopped as soon as I heard Naruto laughing "I'm sorry it's just I never heard you laugh it's kinda cute an-" he stared at me. I blushed red as a cherry blossom.

Naruto started to walk away "so let's get some of the lights up like you said and were you going to say food" Naruto said while walking off. I used my sand to catch up to him "yeah they want us to get some healthy and unhealthy food" I informed Naruto "hmm why do we need unhealthy and healthy food" Naruto asked "because we want to see how many people make the right choice or not" i said. Naruto smiled and laughed he looked so cute I couldn't help it. I put my hand around him and pulled him closer to me and laughed. Naruto looked shocked his whole face turned red. W-w-was he blushing?! BECAUSE OF ME?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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