Delilah x Aubrey

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This was for class so some of the dialogue might seem a bit strange but it's because I needed to fit the criteria for the assignment :P

"I love you."

These moments start so simply. So calmly and so full of love.

"I love you too," I reply, my shaking hands finding the shoulders of my girlfriend, enveloping her in a big hug. She giggles into my hair as we topple over onto her bed. This is moment you read about in storybooks, when the main characters finally get the happy ending. This is the happy ending we've been waiting for. I smile into her kiss. Moments pass and we're about to go farther than we ever have. After everything we've been through, shouldn't I want this more?

"Aubrey, no, I-I can't." My weight shifts backwards as I pull away from the woman I love and wait. I wait for a reaction, I wait for anger, confusion, or some kind of sadness. My eyes squint shut, worried of what's to come. I hear nothing. I feel nothing. It's like nothing happened. I slowly blink open my eyes.

"Delilah?" her head is tilted, but not in confusion, in concern. "What happened?"

I feel my body relax. I breathe a sigh of relief and swing my legs over the edge of the old maple bed frame, my face burns with shame. "I'm just not ready," I reply. My nails dig into the blanket as I silently scold myself. How could she want to be with me after this? If I can't fulfill her? Silence fills the room, broken only by a rustling of the bed sheets behind me. Arms lock around my waist and I can feel a sad smile emerge on my face. I turn my head to look at Aubrey. "You're not mad?" I watch as she huffs in disbelief.

"How could I be mad at you for that? If you're not ready, you're not ready. I'd never make you do something you're uncomfortable with."

I chuckle weakly, slightly embarrassed. "I-It's not that I don't want to, y'know, with you!" I nervously adjust my glasses and I watch as Aubrey stifles a giggle at my choice of words. "I just- we're so young, and that's a big commitment. Like, I'm only 16, you're only a year older. And what if I got an infection? I need to be completely sure before I can do anything like this." She nods along as I talk, seemingly understanding.

"I get it, we can go at your pace, okay?" A tear rolls down my cheek and she wipes it away with her thumb. "I'm not going to lose you over something as trivial as that."

"I-I'm so glad you understand, I just didn't want to do anything I'm uncomfortable with- and I know you'd never make me do anything like that, I just wanted to make sure..." Aubrey nods and kisses me on the cheek.

"I'm glad you told me. You don't have to worry about this around me, remember last year when I made that poster about consent for Mrs. Aldrin? Unless you say yes, I won't start anything. I'm all for consent, and you clearly haven't given it, no means no." she chuckles and hops off the bed. The wooden desk in the corner of Aubrey's room is piled with old board games and books, and I watch as she carefully extracts two games from the middle of the pile. "Scrabble or Monopoly?" she asks, turning her head back towards me with a grin. I huff.

"We go from talking about consent to playing board games?" I tease disbelievingly. A cheeky smile appears on her face as she shrugs. "Fine, Scrabble it is!"

"Aornud? That's not a word!"

"Shh, it's... pig latin?"

"...You could have just put 'around'."

"I love you, nerd."

Delilah and Aubrey - Oneshotحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن