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Alex's POV:

Hey, My name is Alexandra Murphy, but most people call me Alex. I am 17 years old, have long brown wavy hair, I wear glasses when I am too lazy to put my contacts in, and have hazel eyes. There isn't really much to say about me. I mean, I'm not that interesting. I like to sing, and draw. I work at a diner where I get to sing on stage, and serve the tables and get paid for both, so that's a pretty good job considering my family isn't doing so hot right now.

My dad left us when I was really little and my younger sister, Cami, was about two. She's 15 now though. My mom hasn't really been doing well since he left, but I have this job, so we aren't doing as bad as we could be. Anyway, we live in California, so maybe one day I could make it big in the singing and entertaining industry. I don't know. Sooooo, yeah. That's about all you really need to know about me... see, told you I wasn't that interesting.


Yay!!! new story!! wht do ya think?? Anyway, I'll keep this short. Thanks for reading!! Don't forget to COMMENT/VOTE/FOLLOW. 😜✌️


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