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One Year Later


"Hurry up!" I yelled at the pot of water on the stove in front of me. It was taking AGES to boil. "I am fucking starving! Will you boil quickly!"

Small bubbles begun appearing on the surface. A minute later the water finally boiled. I put the instant noodles in it and waited for the to cook. Finally it was ready. I dumped the noodles in a bowl, grabbed a fork and settled on the sofa. I was idly flipping through the TV channels when my phone rang.

It was mom.


"YN, my baby! How are you sweetie?"

"Great! Just came back. So tired!"

"Have you eaten?"

"Ya.. am eating right now actually."

"Well thank god you are taking care of yourself like a big girl. I thought you would be living off instant noodles."

"Ya..." I looked at the bowl of noodles with guilt. She didn't need to know this.

"Okay have your dinner. I'll talk to you later."

"Sure thing. Bye."

I kept my phone done and started eating the noodles. The TV was playing some anime which I didn't understand a bit since it was in Japanese. I flipped through the channels for a while again. Giving up, I switched it off and put the bowl down. I didn't feel hungry at all now.

Now y'all might be thinking I am gonna sigh next and reflect on how lonely I am. But no. I am not a heartbroken lonely ass person. I have my dream job. Genuinely awesome and cool friends and a great boss. I have everything I ever wanted in life. Everything but one.


But I am not heartbroken. Its not like we broke up and he completely vanished from my life or some shit. We are in touch and talk frequently but its not the same as one year back.

Guess its human nature to want everything.

I miss him. He misses me too (and no I didn't assume this, he texts me this almost every week).

Now you must be thinking if we love and miss each other so much then why don't we just be with each other. That's because life isn't a cliched fanfiction where the two have to end up together. Sometimes life takes you on different paths. Its not going to be like a fanfiction where suddenly the bell is gonna ring and when I open the door it's going to be fucking Jimin standing there and then he would kiss me and boom happy ever after. Life isn't so easy.

Suddenly I hear the ring of the doorbell and my heart starts to beat like crazy.



"WAKE UP YN!!!!"

"What?" I woke up surprised.

"I knew you would oversleep." Jimin looked at me with an amused expression.

I checked the clock. "Its only 5:30 idiot!"

"Did you forget about our little 'date'?"

"Wha-OH SHIT!"

He chuckled. "You still have half an hour. Get your ass out of the bed and GET READY!"

"Ay ay captain."

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