1. Wild

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❝  where the wild things ran ❞

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The good dies young, especially in this world of war and shinobis. I've witnessed it myself though I have never participated in any of the battles. I've seen my father die, I've seen my brothers die, leaving me here with nothing but unbearable pain. Pain so heavy and regrets so deafening all I can hear are the words I have never said and the stories I would never be able to share with them. It is a different type of pain, the type of pain you carry with you forever and I will carry mines with me forever. But, it was pain that helped me decide that I would never let my words and my feelings and my thoughts go unsaid. I would wear my heart on my sleeve, I would pour all of my affection on everyone I love so long as they knew how much I loved them.

And then I met him. I didn't know I was going to fall in love with him when I met him. I just knew he would be an important person in my life. We were made to meet at this time and at this place by the stream just outside of the village where the wild things ran.

"Do you need help, Kid?"

I glanced up from my own reflection and cocked my head to the side to meet the owner of the voice," who the hell are you calling 'Kid'!?" I questioned with so much sass, raising an eyebrow at the onyx eyes which stared back at me," and I don't need help from a man!"

The man walked up to the riverbank calmly, " are you sure? You haven't caught anything yet." He pointed out sternly.

My face grew a deep shade of red, so he had been standing there long enough to watch me fail but I was stubborn, too stubborn to admit I needed help," I don't need help!"

I turned away hoping he would wander off to wherever he came from. Instead he sat down on the rocks to watch me which is even worst because I absolutely DESPISE being stared at and it was making me nervous and if I'm nervous I won't be able to catch anything! I let out a small huff and tried to focus on catching the aquatic creatures that swam by my ankles.

I hastily reached for a fish's tail but it skittered away. I went for a second fish and I was unsuccessful again. With another aggravated sigh I lunged for the third fish I saw but it was just too fast for me. I'm starting to think I was not made for fishing with my barehands.

I looked up at the man, I honestly thought he would be rolling and dying with laughter but he didn't even seem amused.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" He asked once again with a hint of judgement, enough judgement to aggravate me further.

"I'm positive" I hissed, only to miserably fail to grab another fish in front of him. I grit my teeth together and let out a long dramatic sigh. I stared at my reflection, I was embarrassed, tired, and soaking wet and I was glaring back at myself, the image was screaming 'do NOT give in! Do not ask for help! You do NOT need help,'why is my inner self so annoying? " FINE. I need help!" I finally bellowed.

He stood up quickly in triumph, stepping into the cold water and striding over to my side with such calmness and grace he could put me in a trance.

Who is this man?

"If you really want to catch something you have to be still and you have to be patient," the man murmured softly," and quiet."

"I am quiet!"

"Tch," he dipped his arms under the water and in one quick motion tossed a fish into the basket which waited on the bank nearby,"if you try getting your fingers underneath the gills you'll have better grip."

Was this man a shinobi? I wondered to myself, I can tell under his navy clothes he was lean, made up of all muscles and he was quick. A normal villager could not see or fish that fast, even I knew that. I wonder what a shinobi was doing out here in the middle of nowhere. Was he a shinobi from the Konoha? Was he out here to kill me? My mother was not a fan of shinobis, not after the death of my brothers anyways. She swore up and down shinobis would only bring more hate and war.

She wasn't wrong.

I reached into the cool water and patiently waited for a fish to swim by. When the silver scaled creature swam close enough I instantly went for the gills but I was still too slow and it got away.

I look up at the man in defeat,"it's okay," he said," I guess it takes more practice for some people."

I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm guessing I'm one of those 'some people'."

The man threw another fish into the basket," what's with the attitude?"

The truth is, my attitude was just a front, a wall to keep this man from knowing who I really am. The truth is I'm scared, I don't want to let anyone inside these walls.

"Are you a shinobi?" I try to stir the conversation in another direction. I don't want him to notice even though he does but he is kind and he doesn't pressure me on the matter.

His deep black seas lock onto mines. For a second I could see there was much more to those oceans than he led on but whatever it was disappeared as fast as it came. It was quick but long enough for me to know he had walls too.

"I am."

So he was a shinobi but I didn't feel threatened or intimated at all. His gentle sternness, his calm demeanor made me feel safe. My mother would have smacked me across the head if she found me socializing with a shinobi.

"Do you come here often? I come here every week but, I've never seen you at this end of the river," I had completely stopped fishing at this point and ended up letting the man do most of the work. Though I didn't fish here since I am obviously a terrible fisher, I would come here to paint, to write, to let my imagination run free, anything could happen here. I can be friends with a Shinobi here. No one can tell us 'no'.

"I used to when I was younger, I would skip stones and fish for fun with my friend. I don't have time anymore."

"Oh, perhaps one day we can go fishing together," I suggest.

"One day but, I would probably do all of the fishing again."

I let out a small laugh. This was our place, where the wild things ran.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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