A Trip Down Memory Lane

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I sat and stared at the ceiling of the hospital in utter boredom. The fact that I couldn't leave while Sherlock was dealing with Moriarty was eating at me.

"Your waisting away in this room" a voice said in my head.

I turned my head so my cheek lay on my pillow and saw my old friend Jay. I laughed.

"Don't you think I know that, your just a part of my imagination" I laughed quietly.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I can't give you advice" he walked over and sat in the chair next to me.

I sat up in my bed and crossed my legs like child. "I miss you Jay" I sighed

"I know, why not give me a call?" He asked. I turned my head and saw he had my phone in his hand.

I then opened my eyes and broke away from my deep thoughts. I looked over at my phone. I reached out but hesitated. "Not yet" I mumbled. I closed my eyes and saw darkness

"Hay!" I heard Jay yell. I opened my eyes and I was back on my old street I lived on when I was young.

The air was nice, the wind blew slightly. Jay was riding around me on his rip-stick.

"Are you gonna ride or not?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, you butt face" I put my foot up on the board and kicked off. I wiggled my legs back and forth. Gradually I got faster as I progressed down hill. My hair flew behind me.

"Watch out" I heard Jay snickered. I turned my head and saw him only inches away. His feet slamming hard on the ground. "No" I laughed half shouted in protest. I felt him poke me in the arm. He then sprinted off in front of me. "I will tag you!!" I shouted.

"No you won't" he laughed manically.


My eyes snap open bringing me back in to reality.

"Hope? You okay?" John asks.

"Yea, what time did you get here?" I asked

"About 5 minutes ago, you where mumbling to your self" he came over and sat at the edge of my bed.

"That's because I'm going crazy in this hospital"

"Well good news your getting out for a while"

I sat up and gave him a suspicious look.

"I don't get out till tomorrow what's the ketch?"

He sighed as he got up. He walked over to the wheel chair that they keep making me use. "You have jury duty"

I rolled my eyes. "For Moriarty?" I asked

"Yes, Sherlock mentioned him hurting a friend of his and now they want you to tell the jury about what happened"

He came over and sat the chair in front of me. I stood up for a second to switch to the wheel chair. "Let's ride" I laughed. And so we did.


When we can into the court room I instantly felt a chill run down my spine. Moriarty sat at the front. He glared at me with most sinister smile. John pushed my wheel chair up to the stand and helped me up to the chair at the top even though I really didn't need help.

"Did I really need the wheel chair?" I whispered to him.

"The doctor said that if you stand to long you get dizzy and pass out so they want you sitting." He whispered " good luck" he then turned and walked off.

I took a deep breath and rubbed my hands on my jeans.

"Now Miss Smith can you tell us exactly what happened?"

I nervously shook my head yes. I took one long and shallow breath before I began.

"I-I was in my apartment- I mean flat sorry um waiting for my friend Cory, John and Sherlock where just next door working with a client, when I heard someone open the door, I thought it was Cory but it really was....." I stopped myself. I couldn't tell them about my brother I could never do that. I glanced over at Moriarty who laughed quietly. "Some random person, how they got into my flat, I have no idea, but they pulled out a gun and put a gag over my mouth, then put me in a car."

*Flash back*

"Tell me about Sherlock Holmes." Moriarty asked me. My vision was blurry and all I could see was his dimly lit face.

"I-I don't know anything about him other than he's a consulting detective and he has a brother name Mycroft"

I saw him reach forward and hit me hard across my face.

"thats all I know!" I shouted. My hands where trembling.

"Swear to me on some thing important, so I know your not lying. I've researched you Hope Smith I know all about you. Where you grew up, who you grew up with, the little things you do, I know it all"

"No you don't" I spat.

"Oh really than how can I know about Jay Alexander" he scowled. I shuttered in fear.

"You used Walker against me!" I tried ripping my arms from the chair but I wasn't successful. Moriarty just laughed and half smiled.

"Swear to me on something important to you." He repeated. I felt his foot touch mine and I scooted my chair away.

"I swear, on my brothers life." I said my eyes full of tears. "Very good." he stood up making his chair screech. He looked to the side like someone was watching us. I couldn't see very far with out my glasses so there probably was. "Do it" he ordered. Suddenly I feel I needle in my throat the world began to spin all around me. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

"You tell no one any of this little questionnaire, if you do I'll kill you and your brother" he voice echoed in my head,

*End of flashback*

"The next thing I remember is waking up in the middle of a street" I lied.

There was a clap. I turned my head to Moriarty who was clapping and glancing at me.

I chose to ignore him and leave. I got back into my wheel chair and John pushed me out. Waiting outside was Sherlock.

"Why'd you lie" he asked. I looked away.

"How'd you know?" I asked while I rubbed my hands on my jeans.

"One because you do that when you lie" he gestured towards my hands. "Two because you hesitated"

I sat up in my chair. "Look Sherlock I'd love to tell you but I'd get myself killed if I did"


Hay hope you liked it. Im nervous.... The fall is coming soon. Tears will be shed!


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