A Taxi Drive Away.

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Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 300 READS!!!!!!!!!!

I walked around my apartment, dressed in my pajama, packing up my things. I blasted music that I knew at some point in the next hour the old man who lives down the hallway from me.

I shoved the picture of my class in my suit case. They got it for me 2 weeks ago. Yesterday was my last day and it was pretty emotional. Not only did I cry but so did Anthony.

I had a nervous feeling in my stomach and I intensified by the minuet. Over the nearly two years of Sherlock decease and me moving back to America, I've really missed London. Yeah, America is great and I understand much more here,but London is just so... Ecstatic.

I went over to my computer to change the song when I saw that in had gotten an e-mail. It was from Lestrade.

"Strange" I said allowed to my self. I did that a lot now.

I opened it up and read it aloud.

"Dear Hope,
I know it's been 2 years but I've just now collected your email from John. I found a video made by Sherlock. I didn't look at it... In case it was private. I hope it is useful. I hear from John your coming back to London. If you'd like to come and see for a job here we'd be more than welcome to help you. We've missed your assistance and I can't wait to see you again.
Greg Lestrade"

At the end there was a link attached. I clicked on it and it pulled up a video.

It was Sherlock in 221b. I smiled and hit play.

"Hope Smith. An American, collage student, bookworm,social anxiety, socially awkward, spends most her time doing school work, has fights with her younger brother constantly, and great deducting skills. I got the first half from looking at her the other half from one conversation." He said with a blank expression.

"Hope, after the first week I knew you, I knew I was going to be close with you. You don't find people who care like you do easily. And for someone as nice as you to want to know me..... Is shocking."

I chuckled, getting a little teary eyed.

"Hope, thank you for working by my side. I can't wait for the times to come."

The video stopped. I cried staring at his face. It felt so great to hear his voice.

"Okay, stop crying" I told myself. I wiped the tears below my eyes and took a long steady breath. I shut my computer and put it away in my bag. Then I continued to pack.

My plane landed finally. I hated being in such a small space for so long and that constant noise that comes from the engine gives me a head ache.

I quickly grabbed my stuff I had on the plane and rushed out. I knew John was waiting for me with his girlfriend Marry. I had heard all about her over the phone and seen pictures but haven't met her in person. She sounds amazing and hope she makes John happy.

With my back pack on and a bright smile on my face, I found my way to the exist of the airport. John said he'd be waiting out front.

I looked at the concrete floor I front of me. There was a line between the airport and outside. The moment I step over the line I'm back in London. I picked up my right foot and slowly placed it over the line. An exhilarating feeling buzzed threw me but went away when I picked up my left foot and placed it over the line. I was back.

I found John just around the corner with women who could only be Marry. I almost jumped in joy seeing that great big smile on Johns face. I raced over, my foot hitting my suit case several times. When I reached him I wrapped my arms around him in a tight embrace.

"Hope, it so good to see you" he cheered.

"And you too" I cheered back. I let go of him and took a small step back.

"I'm Marry. I've heard all about you." She said holding out her hand.

"I can say the same for you." I took her hand and shook it. " Gosh, it's so nice, the weather." I sighed feeling the cold wind hit my skin forming goose bumps.

"Well I bet you want to get home." John stated. I furrowed my brows.

"What?" I asked very confused.

"John!" Marry spat hitting his shoulder. John chuckled. "You didn't tell her?"

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"Ms. Hudson offered for you to live in....... 221b."

I smiled to block my inner frown. Yes of corse is take the place but only for John. Plus I'd be nice to know who I'm living by.

"That's fantastic!" I cheered. "Let's go! I want to see London again"
John took my bags as me and Marry got in to a cab.
While he shoved things into the back me and Marry sat in the back talking.

"So, how was your time back in America?" She asked me.

"Oh..... Okay I guess. I had a amazing class at my old school I used to go to. Um I saw some of my old friends, and made some new ones." I sighed

"That last one was a lie" she stated.

"How could you know that?" I gasped.

"I can tell when anyone is lying." She shrugged her shoulders. I shrugged mined moments after. We both laughed. John hopped in next to Marry with a loud grunt.

"Thank you so much John." I thanked him for putting my stuff in the trunk.

"No problem." He said " Now to 222b backed street"


Guys!!!!! Thank you so much for 300 reads!!!!! I'm so happy and want to thank you all for sticking with this story it means so much to me.

~ fandomcrazed_

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