Chapter One

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{Third person Point Of View}
Meet seventeen year old Aria Sinclair. She lives in an ordinary house with her ordinary family her older brother Kyle and her big sister Lily her mother Geneva and her father Eli, they were a picture perfect family,all with their straight black hair and hazel eyes well everyone apart from Aria. Her curly brown hair and blue eyes makes it for somewhat uncomfortable viewing for her family as they continue to be reminded of her mothers infidelity which Aria was to no fault of her own apart of.  Now Aria being the not so black haired sheep of family always felt incomplete in her mind. She felt something was missing apart from the love and care she's been desperately seeking since the minute she was born , she always had a great urge to find something. Her real father maybe? No definitely not him. Her forest of creative ideas to finally start painting again? No thats been plagued by painters block or deforestation depending which way you're thinking today.
Aria always had one rule that she could not break. Do not under any circumstances go into the attic. No it wasn't for some creepy horror movie style thing. It was simply because there was no room and if she was to open the door she'd probably get trampled on by a boxes of old clothes that her mother refuses to throw away because and I quote "I spent a lot of money on the embroidery" her dads old vinyls and brother sister and her old toys. Aria's convinced the "trampling to death" as her mother puts it won't be as bad as everyone's thinking but as a 17 year old in a small village in the upper England area there is not a lot she can do. Speaking of her dull, grey, sorry excuse of a town everyone's not very talkative to the Sinclair family and to be honest it's not very hard to see why. Kyles known for his fighting, Lily is known for and I quote again "abrasive and immoral" attitude and Aria is a child of an infidelity so to say if this was the 1500's and either banishing or hanging was still a thing they'd either be in a slightly smaller equally as grey town or dead and too Aria they both seem as bad as each other.
{Aria's Point of View}
I've decided that my town is actually non existent in class and has just taken the "Only people who live here are either really boring, close to death, or being forced to live here by their over- bearing parents." I am the third option, I often wonder what the walls of my house have seen and heard the thought keeps me awake every house has secrets so what is my house hiding. I toss and turn in my bed as I try and get to sleep at reasonable time so I don't get scolded by my mother for waking up at 12.00 pm looking for food like a demented rodent. Speaking of demented things I'm pretty sure my dreams are demented. All I dream about is a Victorian mirror with a girl about my age with long berry coloured hair staring at me with these two beautiful yellow brown ish eyes. Now before you decide I'm crazy hear me out. It's just a dream right? Well no it's reoccurring dream that starts and ends the same way. It starts with me going up to the attic in some trance like state following a voice, I can't remember all of it but I know it ends with the mirror being smashed. I'm a weird person I know this but this is something that's been going on ever since the accident. Now you're probably thinking I've got some locked up trauma right? Nope you couldn't be more wrong "the accident" as my family calls it is me breaking a mirror by just putting my fingers on it. They believe all the bad weather is my fault because of the 7 year bad luck thing personally I think it's just because England's depressing and the clouds like to show it. I'm not very superstitious myself I don't believe in bad luck and black cats are a evil omen. I seriously need to stop thinking about these things before I go to sleep. You know what I am gonna spray some lavender mist and go to sleep.

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