Chapter Two.

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{Aria's Point of View}
I woke up at a reasonable time today 11:30 not too bad. I start my day off the same way complaining that I haven't had enough sleep which to my mother is impossible. I then decide to roll out of my bed and get started with my day, I eat brush my teeth put on a outfit etc. But today was different my head was pounding today, like something was trying to break out, with my brother and sister out at work, and my parents out at work I'm home alone again.
{Third persons Point of View}
Aria contemplated on going to the attic but decided against it since if her parents found it she'd be in more trouble then it's worth she decided to donsome research on her dreams and most of the results were mental health problems, she did find an interesting article by a certain author she's currently into the article was about paranormal spirits trying to communicate with the a host. A host is someone who can hold supernatural spirits there headspace is so advanced they can hold things mundane cannot even process. As Aria dived deeper into this article becoming more intrigued as the words reached her in a personal level. Another fragment of the article spoke to her as if it was destined for her to read like it was beckoning her to find out more. Hosting takes a lot of energy that normally would be enough to light up Maddison square garden , Aria contemplated this article re reading over seven times making sure she didn't miss a single letter, she decided to leave the article for now and do some research at her local Library. She strolled along the in desperate need for new concrete road and made it to the one of the oldest buildings in town. The library's demeanour says "stay away I'm actually a murder house " but if it that didn't scare you away how about the door that looks so old and worn that a fly could land and it'd break or the massive windows that  let in floods of light to the point where it's harmful,  or the musty smell of mould and asbestos that might actually kill you if you breathe too much in. I walk in and the familiar smell of the years of neglect make its way into my nostrils I start scanning the sections I find the " Supernatural and Paranormal" section of the library and start picking up books I take a few ghostly encounter books, a super long looking book about supernatural disruptions in modern life. I bring them to the librarian and await her really long nails to come into view and for the to stamp the date in each cover. After 3 very tense very awkward minutes I scuttle out of there like the shy being I am and return to the outside where I can finally breathe without feeling my lungs actually die. I put my basic pound shop ear buds in and click shuffle as i return to humble and hated home.
(That same night. Third person Point Of View)
As Aria laid back and thought about the reoccurring dream she tried to really focus on the mystery. Who's that girl? Why is in their? Is her naturally that colour or does dye? Wait a minute she's in a mirror so it must be natural. As more questions flooded her mind she was quickly becoming insane  as to why only this dream appears. Why not other places ? Or other dreams for that matter. Well let's just say the universe has plan for our Aria.

A/N: Hey guys! It's Ryan! I'm back writing after writers block, a lot of time in hospital and a new relationship later! I'm back thank you for staying patient update hopefully tomorrow! 🌿💚🌿Also Photography is by me !!😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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