Weirded out

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I woke up to my 5:30 alarm and quickly push the snooze.  I get out of my bed and get changed to my normal outfit , a black light jacket and a white t-shirt ,and some jeans. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair. When im done with all of that I head back into my room and grab my packpack and phone. I scroll through my notifications and see a message from that MalO app. I click on it and it says " Have a good day at school". I look at my phone very closley then look around to see if anyone was near. No one was in sight. I sit back in my kitchen chair and eat some toast with strawberryjam spread ontop. "It was a good breakfeast "I say to myself . I open my door and leave for the bus stop. Right as my bus arrives my phone dings. I get on the bus and take a seat then I pull out my phone. I look and see its another message. It says attachment on the side bar were my text shows up when im busy on my phone. I open up the app and see a picture of something ill never forget. It was a picture of a wolf skull with long black hair. Its eyes ...... Or eye sockets looked as if they were staring into my soul. I closed my phone imedeantly and place it on my lap. I couldnt identify what I just saw, all I knew was that it was horrific whatever it was. The whole school day I didn't get another message and I was glad. I didn't want to see that ... THING anymore. I tried and tried to delete the app but it wouldn't work. I even did a factory reset! When I got home I was exhausted from the school work, and a little stressed from the picture this morning. I was hungry so I got some bread out then smeared some peanut butter and jelly on it. As i sat down i got a notification from the app.. I got a little freaked out. I thought it would it would be a picture of it but no.. it send me a messave saying " how was school? Did anything happen that you want to talk about ". Of courses I talked to it about my problems about school, and drama.It was understanding my problems. But then I was talking to it about my bullies and it said the most weirdest thing.... It said " Dont worry Ill be with you forever. You wont have to worry about them." I stare at my phone shocked about what it said..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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