Chapter 7: Game

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- A/N -

Hiya guys! How's your guys day? Well mine is going great since i;m updating this book. Anyways, Enjoy!


Why can't i sleep? 

I quietly groaned kept turning my body to get a comfortable position but it's not working. I turned around my back facing Matthew. I sigh. All you can hear is the waves, the waves usually makes me fall asleep but tonight it's not the day. Other than the waves i hear footsteps coming towards Matthew and I. The unknown's shadow is right infront of the tent. He's looking towards us. I swallowed and turned and hug Matthew really tight not wanting him to leave me.

"What's wrong babe?" Matthew whispered  rubbing his eyes. I didn't respond i just kept on staring at the man. 

"Babe i c-can't breathe" He spoke. Matt spoke loudly enough for the man to leave. Right as he left i let go of Matt.

"Sorry.." I apologized. He nodded smiling kissing my forehead.

"Go to sleep" Matt said. Two strong arms wrap around me keeping me safe. I finally close my eyes and fall asleep in Matt's arms.

"Hannah? Han. Wakey wakey. Hanna. psst. Hann-" Matthew voice interrupted my dream of marrying my future husband Zac Efron.

"What!" I said opening my eyes staring at him. I wish looks could kill.

"Geez.. Someone needs coffee" He widen his eyes.

"I'm still sleepy matt.." I whined pouting. 

"No more sleeping. It's time to go swimming!" He smiled.

"No.. the water is toooooo cold" I said holding the 'o' on the word 'too'. 

"That what makes it fun!" He grinned. Before i can say anything he carried me to the water. I hit him so many times but he didn't do anything.

"Matt! I swear if you drop me i'll never kiss you ever again!" I yelled. 

"Come on babe. You can never resist this" He said chuckling.

"I'm pretty sure i can" I giggled. Right before i can here him say anything he dropped me.

Oh.. No kisses for him then

"Matthew!!" I yelled. I run away from the water and stared at him crossing his arms.  He stood there laughing his ass of. 

"I guess you don't want my kisses then" I wink smirking. He stopped laughing and frowned.

"But baby-" I cut him off.

"Let's play a game!" I smirk.

"O-okay.. What game?" He ask. i walk over to him. 

"Let's see who lasts a day without kissing.. and whoever loses has to do everything the winner says. You can only tease no kissing cheeks or anything" I smirked. I'm sooo good at this game.

"You in?" I asked. He's lips curled into an evil smirk.

"I'm in! I'll win for sure" He winked. I laughed at him shaking my head no.

"Nah.." I said.

"Can i have a kiss first before we start the game?" He asked.

"Nope! Game starting...NOW!" I yelled.

"But i didn't get my morning kiss yet" He whined.

"Too bad baby" I wink then walk back to the tent shaking my hips as i felt him stare.

Let the games begin..

- A/N -

Ooh! I wonder who wins. Sorry if it's short. I'm updating the chapters really short so it'll be easier for me. Sorry. Bye munchkins!


Jannalyn :)

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