car fights and locker letters

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A ball hits my face.

Then another. Then another.

The balls just keep coming at my face.

You're probably wondering why I don't just move so that I'd avoid them, right?

Well, I can't. I'm in a car that is way too small for a family of seven. My mom is currently sitting in the front while my dad is driving and my five siblings and I are stuck in the back.

Mom always beats me to calling shotgun. For instance, this morning, I came down for breakfast, all ready and hungry, in hopes of a good breakfast, and the first thing I heard was, "I call shotgun!"

Ladies and Gentlemen, it was my mom. The memory made me sigh and I-

bam. another ball at my face.

"Okay! That's it! I'm so sick and tired of this game!" I yell and come face to hair with my little brother who's on my lap. He's not the only one hitting the ball at my face. But his throws are always so precise and I wonder how he throws so well with his tiny hands.

"But the game is fun." My little brother (the one who's on my lap) whines.

"It's fun for you, Ash. Not for me."

I look to the front to see mom and dad with headphones on their heads. They both say it's because the radio of the car has spoilt, but I know it's because they want to drown out the noise of their five, annoying children. Plus, I checked the radio the other day when no one was home and it was working, so yeah.

"Please let me hit your face. Please, please, please?" Yasmine, my sister, pleads. She's holding a pink ball -pink is legit her favourite colour- and she's grinning evilly.

I'm scared. I look at the window frantically, looking for how close we are to school.

I don't even answer Yasmine, and I know she's planning to hit my face any moment from now. She whispers to Cole, my third brother, and they both start to grin.

These little...

"Okay!" Mom suddenly yells, with a tone of relief and excitement. "We're here."

I look outside and we are indeed at school. My school has both the elementary and high school buildings in the same area, so my siblings and I all go there together every morning.

Mom turns around and we push our heads closer to her for our goodbye forehead kisses. "I'm going to miss you guys so much." She says, smiling. In less than two seconds, her expression changes and she says, "Okay. You can get out now."

My siblings and I roll our eyes and step out of the car. "Bye!" My dad yells, and they speed off. I can practically feel them celebrating the fact that we are out of their presence. I don't blame them, it's stressful having five kids.

but no one asked them to keep doing the deed and not use protection.

I shake my head in an attempt to shake off my thoughts. My three younger siblings, (Yasmine, Cole and Ash) quickly run off without saying goodbye and I can spot Ash hitting Yasmine with his ball.

ha! take that little sis!

Yeah, I've not mentioned my fourth sibling yet. He's standing right next to me and his name is Chase.

Chase hasn't spoken up to fifty words this year due to what happened to him last year. He's not mute, but he loves being alone. I usually try to bond with him, but he blows me off.

I still love him, I just wish he talked more often because he was so fun and lovely before it happened to him.

"Bye Chase, I'll see you around?" I say to him and he nods, then stalks off.

I sigh in disappointment but then smile when I realize that today is finally the day! I purposely forced everyone to finish up early this morning so I could do what I wanted without people seeing.

I'll tell Blake how I feel. Well, not tell considering it's in a letter, but I'm telling him nonetheless. I walk to his locker and seeing that the hallway is empty, I place the letter I've written in his locker and quickly walk off.

Everything will be perfect.

After I leave, I spot my best friend, Jenna, and she waves and rushes to hug me.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" She says with her face buried in my neck. "And, you smell good."

I laugh and pull her away from me playfully ."Firstly, we saw each yesterday. You literally even came to my house after school. And secondly, I've told you to stop smelling me!"

She just laughs. "Has the item been placed?"

"If by item, you mean the letter for he who must not be named, then yeah." I say, and she scoffs.

"He should be named," she places emphasis on the 'should', "because you woove him so much." She teases.

"I don't 'woove' him." I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Sure, and I love broccoli." I pretend I don't hear the sarcastic tone in her voice.

"But you don't love broccoli."


I just chuckle at her and she smiles and looks around until I notice her face turns sad.

I look over to what or who she saw and then I understand what made her sad. She saw Chase, my only older sibling.

"Jen, are you-" I begin to ask, but she waves me off with a fake smile.

"No it's okay. Let's go to class or we'll be late."

I want to tell her that class doesn't start until another ten minutes and we won't actually be late, but I decide against it.

• •• •• •

how was the first chapter guys?

the next chapter will be in Blake's pov, xD

thanks for reading! ♥️

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