2. The doll and magic mirror

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“Marty, Any luck with magic mirror?”Veronica asked with curiosity.

“No, this house is really big.” Marty gasped. “I searched everywhere. Now the top floor is left. Thank God I found these torches.” He handed them a torch.

“Let’s check out the top floor.” Jillian announced.

“No, this room doesn’t have any mirror. Let’s check out other” Marty said after having a glance with torch-light. But Veronica was  still waving her touch in the dark room. Suddenly she saw a girl in white ,sitting on chair, staring on the right wall. When she again put the torch light on the chair, the chair was empty. She turned back to follow her friends and raised the torch but to her surprise, instead of torch she was holding a hand from wrist and blood was dripping from it! She screamed as loud as she could. Marty and Jillian turned back.

“What happened?” both asked. She told them everything. But when they looked around , there was neither any girl nor any bloody hand.

“This place is haunted” Marty declared. “ I think she must be Marie. We have to finish this as soon as possible. Let’s move”.

“Wait!, did you notice something weird?” Jillian asked.

“What?” Veronica asked.

“The wall on the left hand side is exact replica of the right one.”Jillian said pointing toward walls. “Look the color, design, the paintings everything is exactly same. It seems like one of them is mirror. And also we can’t see ourselves in it. ”

Jillian took a chair smashed on the right wall. He was right. The mirror broke down into small pieces. Veronica took one piece of mirror. She couldn’t see her face in that mirror. Surprisingly, there was an old door hidden behind that mirror. There was an awful eye painted on that door which had a hole in it. Jillian gathered all his courage and looked through that eye.                           


Jillian saw a graveyard behind that hidden door. “This is it” Jillian said. “ I can’t understand. We are on top floor of the house and there is a graveyard behind it.”.

“Jesus! This place is really very scary” Marty said.

“But at least now we know the way out. Now we can win the game. Or we can go home now” Veronica said with a relief.

“What do you think Veronica, if we win, we will be free...?” Jillian asked. “No, Let’s say we win this game. That means one of the member from other team will be dead. And we all are set free. Do you think the remaining two guys won’t tell anything to others? They will be here with cops next day to catch Alyson. And I don’t think Alyson or her other partner will want that. They won’t leave any evidence or eye witness”.

“So, what will Alyson do?” Veronica asked.  

Answer is simple, No matter who wins this game. We all have to die” Jillian said. Veronica and Marty froze with fear. “So this is our last chance. We have to go outside and run as far as we can. Only then we can be alive.” Jillian said.

“I trust you Jillian. We will do whatever you say. And we will make it” Veronica said.


“This is your magic mirror” Veronica handed the piece of mirror to Alyson.

“Nice, this time you did great job. Now for the final stage, I would like to keep Veronica with me.” Alyson said.

“What??NO… Are you insane ? We are a team. We need her help” Jillian protested.

“I am the ruler maker and I change it whenever I want. Do you understand?” Alyson shouted with an awful face.

“Jillian, Marty do what she says. Otherwise we will be in trouble” Veronica said with hopeless voice.

“That’s like a good girl” Alyson said. “Bring the black rose and I’ll leave her. She is here for a security. If you fail your friend will be dead. I can’t wait to see my sister”

“Don’t worry Veronica. I’ll find that rose and I will rescue you. Trust me” Jillian said to Veronica.


Jillian and Marty rushed to top floor. Both were standing behind the 'Door with eyes'. “I can’t believe it. She changed the rules. This is not fair” Marty said.

“There is something I am missing. There is something fishy.” Jillian said.

“What do you mean ?” Marty asked.

“Alyson need three things, Marie’s doll, magical mirror and black rose for some kind of rituals. But she could easily get the doll and magic mirror as those were  in the house. That means the black rose is most essential part among all , that’s why she wants us to take the risk. Also I firmly believe that she is not alone. There could be one or more people with her who is guiding Alyson. We have to find both the black rose and the other people involved in it. But first the rose”.

Jillian opened the door to graveyard…

To be continued...

A/n: RL Stine will write the next part. Follow @RL_Stine and @authorNitish for next update on this story. Thanks for reading.  

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