two - dick pic

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I wake up with a terrible headache. The curtains are still drawn together, which I'm pretty grateful for. After a few times blinking and adjusting my eyes to the light, I find myself in Harper's bed, but she's not lying next to me. I slowly sit up and attempt to step out of the bed, but then I realize how heavy my limbs feel. "Harper?" I groggily ask. My voice sounds worse than I expected.
No response.
I decide and try to stand up again and walk out of her room, into the kitchen. I see a little note on the dining table and head towards it.

'Hey Ave, I'm just getting some groceries and pain killers. When I'm back my mom will make us pancakes and we'll spend the day with Netflix. X H'

"Yaaas," I say to myself. That's just what I need right now, Harper just knows me so well. I grab my phone out of my purse, which is placed on the kitchen counter. I see that I've got more than 20 messages waiting to be opened. I freeze and put my phone down again slowly, not really ready to know what happened last night. I drank a bit too much and I pray that I haven't lost my virginity to some stranger. Or that I did other stupid things.

Keys rattle in the front door's lock and Harper walks in with three paper bags. "Ava!" She exclaims as she puts the bags down and starts unpacking one right on the spot.
"What are you doing?" I ask her, rather accusingly for being so chirpy already.
"Just searching for the pain killers... Ahh here, take one and you'll feel better." She winks and hands me the pack of pills. I walk back to the kitchen and start filling a glass with water.
"Did you take one already?" I ask, wondering how she's in such a good mood. I normally stay in bed after such parties and wait until I get hungry. Then I'll go to the kitchen and grab some Oreos, just to head to my bedroom again and sleep the pain away.
"Yeah, we only had one Tylenol left at home when I woke up but I figured you would want some too. So I went to get them for you after I was done with the groceries," she says whilst pointing at the bags.
"Aw, that's very sweet of you, thanks."
"No problem. Now please help me unpacking?"
I nod and help her bring the bags into the kitchen and put everything in its place.

After a while the pills start to work and I'm feeling better. The heaviness is almost gone and my head doesn't hurt that much anymore. We're in Harper's room, getting into comfy clothes as I'm still in my dress and she put on jeans for going outside. I decide to bring up the topic of the party, it's kind of weird we haven't talked about it yet. "Hey Harp, were you drunk too yesterday?" I ask.
She turns around with an emotionless expression. "Yeah, I can't even remember how we got home."
"Me neither. However I got quite some messages but I'm afraid to open them," I say.
"Why? Let's just check them together, I haven't looked at mine either." She pulls out her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans and I pull mine out of my purse.

"Oh my god," Harper gasps.
"What is it?" I ask curiously.
"Some random dude sent me a pic of his dick." She slowly looks over to me and I can see her blushing so I have to laugh.
"What the fuck?" I laugh. "Please tell me you haven't had sex with him."
Her eyes grow wide as she starts writing a message. After a while her lips are put in an o-shape. She hands me her phone and I read the messages, including the picture I preferred not to see.

Stranger: Picture
Harper: Who is this?
Stranger: Aiden, don't you remember me? We had a wild night yesterday... ;D

"Oh my god Harper!" I shout but she quickly presses her hands to my mouth.
"Shhh! My mom doesn't have to know this, and please promise you won't tell Mason! It's already worse enough thinking about losing my virginity to some stranger and I can't even remember it," she whispers giving me a death glare.

Wait what? She was a virgin? She has a boyfriend, Mason, and I assumed they already had sex with eachother since they are together for 2 years already. "What? Did you and Mason never...-?"
"No... But whatever. Your turn," she says bluntly and hands me my phone. I unlock it to see random numbers displayed on my screen.
"Oh no," I mutter but open one of the messages, it's pretty harmless. Just some random messages from friends. My friend Justin sent me a picture of him in a banana costume. I chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Harper butts in.
"Nothing, just Justin." I show her the picture. She rolls her eyes. They somehow don't get along and I don't understand why.

I'm still afraid that the same thing that happened to Harper has happened to me. I open a few more messages but lucky me didn't have sex with some stranger. My inner self congratulates me for being non-desirable.
"Check your contact list," I demand. "Maybe there's some hot guy." We both chuckle and I go through mine as well. My eyes scroll through it inattentively but I don't find anyone that I could have added in my alcohol rush last night. Harper does find two girls but she decides to delete their numbers again, she doesn't want to be confronted by people with what she may have done last night. I mean, you never know...
"Come on, let's watch that new show together. I really don't have the nerve right now to continue worrying about last night," Harper says and I think she's totally right.
"Yeah, hot celebrities can wait," I say and we both have to laugh because we both knew beforehand that there would be quite some celebrities attending the party.
"Alright, let's just take our phones with us in case Dylan O'Brien calls," Harper suggests and with that, we head downstairs.

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