chapter one

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I sat on the floor at the back of a nearby bush to chant some spells to help me communicate with mama abeke but suddenly I heard screams coming from one of the nearby villages that surrounded the town, I quickly stood up and ran towards the screams, it then led me to a small hut where there was a little crowd of young children, men and women. As i arrived a little boy noticed my presence and ran away and as the others also noticed my presence they  joined in the race, i was confused at why they would run away from their own kind but little did i know that i was unique, different, i was an abomination.
      I found my way to the entrance of the hut as i saw a young pretty girl about my age if not younger lying helplessly on a worn out mat, even though she looked pale her beauty was divine, she had black curly hair, fair skin and deep hazel brown eyes, as i came closer to her lifeless body i noticed that she had  strands of white hair at the front of her black hair "a witch " was all I could say knowing fully well that a witch must have been the one that casted a spell on her. I grabbed my bag and got a leather full of white stones, ashes, feathers and a few broomsticks, I removed the sticks and waved it around her head, I did this three times and then the fourth time there was a green glowing light coming from her arm "this must be  where the witch hexed her" I said to myself, I dropped the broomsticks as I began to chant these spells "kapsss michcar mihgar faremar". I fell flat on the floor due to the too much power being used in just one spell, suddenly I felt hands grabbing my neck, I opened my eyes as I struggled to breath I was welcomed by the most beautiful eyes but also the most vicious teeth. "What did you do to me, you spoilt bastard son of the emir you_"I just saved your life" was all I could say before she could rein more insult on me, within a twinkle of an eye she was gone I let out my breath I didn't know I was holding and said to myself "how polite I didn't get a thank you or even a name".
I stood up grabbed my bag and walked out of the hut and as I was trying to run away before father would notice i was gone for too long, I stumbled and crashed into a huge man "oh no its father" was all that was ringing in my head, as I looked up I saw father with black eyes and clenched fists he held my hands and brought my face to look up at him "don't ever try this again" was all he could say as he dragged me home.

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