The Plan

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     As Shen Wei ride his horse searching for the sand people. In day and night, until he find a few farmers plowing their field.

     As he ask if they knew the sand people. "Your mistaken sir? Their are no sand people here, just farmers." Said the man. "Did you know where can I find Qi Heng!" He ask. Both men look at each other, "What do you want to teacher Qi Heng?" They ask. "Teacher?" Said Shen Wei.

     As the men lead him we're teacher Qi Heng was teaching few children. Qi Heng was surprised seeing Shen Wei. In a minute as they were left by the students. "Your a teacher now? I thought your the wife of Bo Li?" Said Shen Wei. "And I'm still his wife. Before Bo Li kidnapped me from my village I'm already a teacher." He said. "What he kidnapped you?!" Shen Wei was shocked.

     As he lead him we're Bo Li is, still in his chair thinking. "What happened to him?!" He ask. After Yunlan merge with the dragon he became powerful and can easily can do anything  he want, he destroyed our village leaving Bo Li blind. "I thought I lost him when he fought the beast. Luckily, he still here with me but our tribes are almost wipe out. As the few survives we became farmers just to build our village again without the dragon king knowledge.

      As Bo Li heard Shen Wei, "I told you we should have killed his heart!" He said. Shen Wei suddenly cluthches Bo Li's shirt. "I won't allow you to touch my wife even a small hair on him!" Shen Wei said furiously. Bo Li suddenly removed Shen Wei's hand to him. "Don't you see what's he done! Almost all of us are gone even your comrades. Emperor Chu is now at his mercy! That fool! He thought he can control the dragon but no! The dragon control him! Do you heard what happened to Hanyu?! The father of Yunlan! That high priest is been eaten by him!" As he laugh. "They created monster that cannot be controlled! That's why we need to killed it's heart after it's body! Yunlan must die!" Bo Li said.

     Qi Heng suddenly pulled Shen Wei away from Bo Li, for he might kill him. As he suddenly place him in a corner, " I know how you feel! I will kill also any one who touches what it's mine! There's a possibilty we can separate them!" Said Qi Heng. I have read one of the old text book. "Anything! I'll do it!" Said Shen Wei.
     "In Mt. Kunlun's temple there's a place for gods they say, kidnapped Yunlan and bring him to Mt. Kunlun's temple! Let him separate with the beast,  because the beast cannot enter it! Only ordinary people can! And  make Yunlan realize his your wife! As the beast grew weak without his heart. Then you can thrust him with the demon sword Hexa. It will kill the beast as the beast is gone! Yunlan will be yours forever!" Said Qi Heng. "But promise me in return you'll give me the tears of the beast for I want my Bo Li to regain his sight again!" Said Qi Heng. "But for how many days should Yunlan stay in Mount Kunlun's temple?" Shen Wei ask. "I don't know the book that I read is so old and almost torn off. It just said he must stay in Mount Kunlun's temple for a few days!" Said Qi Heng.

     "Qi Heng may I ask?" He said. "Do you love Bo Li? He have kidnapped you? Why not leave him?" Shen Wei ask. Qi Heng giggle a little. Bo Li is my child hood sweat heart I refuse to marry him back then, because my parents didn't approve of it. Because I'm a prime minister son while Bo Li is a barberian they say. And I was engaged to a princesses that I never love, as Bo Li learned of it. He kidnapped me and never returned me back to my village, until now. Luckily my parents approve of it now for his a hero who fought the beast but he lost his eyes sight.  He said. "You mean?" Shen Wei look puzzle to him. "Yes! I love him ever since!" As he hold Shen Wei's hand. "Never let go Yunlan's hands until he realized what you ment to him! And good luck!" As he was about to bid him goodbye. "Wait! We're can I find the sword?!" He ask. "Gua Ming he have the sword! The rebel leader of the  Yellow East! The old man have it!" As he left to go back to Bo Li.

     Shen Wei quickly ride his horse again knowing now what to do. As he came to a small village, he notice a familiar carriage. "It's Da quing carriage!" He shout to them as he realized his the one that was surprised. Because his team is with Da quing as well. His Didi almost can't even speak as he saw his Gege alive and well, even the others.

     "What happened to all of you?!" He ask as he hugged Yezun. "Shen Wei you live?! Then there's hope! You can free Yunlan again!" Said Da quing.  "Yes! I will! I want my wife back!" Said Shen Wei. As Da quing told him what happened when he was thrown to the cliff. "The monster carried Yunlan back to our temple. There they made the ritual. But it all backfire on them! As the beast got Yunlan back it gone uncontrollable and eat every priest in it! Including Yunlan's father. As Yunlan emerge from the heart of the beast. He suddenly change and made everyone obey him! If not he will devour every village. We nearly escape with Yezun and his team. And we found out he conquer  Emperor Chu's palace and made himself king! So Shen Wei help us get Yunlan back!" Da quing pleaded.
"I already have a plan! But we must go back to Gua Ming! I need his sword and the orbs. And we need a distraction to separate Yunlan from the beast to get to Mt. Kunlun's temple! Lin Jing! Make three carriages! Wang and Sang can you make a hole big enough for a carriage to go through Mt. Kunlun's temple without the beast knowing were we heading?!" As both of them nod and reply, "Yes!" Shen Wei talk to his team on how to kidnapped Yunlan, we need the help of old Gua Ming on this!" As all team agree they will help one another to separate Yunlan and the beast.

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