Chapter 2

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Oh hello, hello, back again so soon? I knew you couldn't stay away ;)

Pic above is Dustin ^^^^


Upon entering the arena I'm nearly overwhelmed at the amount of people in attendance. Bodies from floor to ceiling line the arena, all them prepared to watch Diesel fight his unworthy opponent.

As we make our way through the sea of people I pick up on a conversation to my left.

"If Dustin wins this fight he'll be in the top ten best fighters in the country," one man says to another.

The other man grunts in agreement following with his own statement, "This guy he's fighting tonight won't put up to much of a fight. I'm sure he'll get a few good hits but in the end Dustin will come out the victor."

"Yeah well he better, I have $5,000 riding on this fight and I won't be happy if I lose it." The first man replies.

Before I hear any other words spoken between the two, I am dragged farther into the ever churning sea of humans. My only life line is the hand holding onto mine tugging me through the abyss of people.

After what seems like an eternity, but was really only a few minutes, the three of us find our seats. The seats are decent, nothing particularly special about them. The first few rows of seats are red in color. They're made of a strong plastic, capable of handling people of all shapes and sizes to sit in them over and over. Out seats are in the fourth row, towards the middle of our section. These seats are impeccable to have at such a big fight and I make a mental note to remember to ask Kat how she got them. Behind there are two more rows of red seats. Behind those the seats stretch on at least one hundred more rows, all of these seats are black.

The arena is filling up quickly and much to my chagrin, I realize that I really have to use the restroom. I turn to Kat and it takes a moment to get her attention. It's actually kind of cute the way her excitement bubbles off of her. She practically radiates happiness. Giving her arm a gentle tug I lean over to whisper in her ear.

"I have to find the bathroom, I'll be back soon, okay?" Only half listening to me, Kat nods her head and I set off on my journey to find the restroom. I push through the sea of bodies in search of my safe haven as I feel my bladder filling even more. I never should've drank that extra large coke on the way here.

Looking for any possible signs or where the bathroom may be, I continue my search until I once again emerge from the human ocean. The way everyone moves with each other mimics ripples in the ocean. The tide licking the shore and carrying in those on the edge, begging those unfortunate enough to fall under her siren song. She pulls them in, looks of confusion on their faces as they are dragged under her waves. And just like that, they're gone.

Looking around me I pick up my search for the restroom, by this time my bladder is ready to explode. I see a hallway, and hoping that maybe this hallway holds the sanctuary of my sweet relief, I escape into the concrete tunnel.

The air in here is much cooler than that of the air in the main area. Pictures of boxers line the walls, some from decades ago, when underground boxing began. Others are newer pictures. As I near the end of the line of pictures, the last one is one I should've expected to see. Dustin Night.

He's smiling, more like a smirk, taunting me, as if he knows something about that I do not know myself. His eyes, a storm of blue mixed with green, peer at me through the photograph and steal my breath. It's almost as if he's watching me, monitoring my every move.

Quickly I remove my eyes from those of the man in the picture, no distractions Rain. You must find the bathroom! I continue quietly down the hall, searching for a door labeled "Ladies" but I don't find one. The farther I go the more the noise of the arena is drowned out. Eventually I hear voices, while they're hushed it gives me hope. Maybe these people where the heck the restroom is.

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