The First Bout

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Izuku: Hey Author?


Izuku: I've been thinking, should we let Sachi back in on the show?

For the last time, Sachi's character arc has long been completed, we don't need him in the story anymore.

Izuku: Author...

No Izuku! I don't care how pure and wholesome he is, he isn't coming back, period.

Izuku: Author!

For the record, he was meant to die in like chapter 6, it's a miracle he even got that much character development in the first place.

Izuku: AUTHOR!


Izuku: Look behind you.

*Sachi smashes into the building with a fist shaped bus.* I'm in!


Two jet black helicopters approached the massive skyscraper that was Midoriya's company headquarters. Landing on the 90th floor, which was equipped with up to 6 different landing pads, the two vehicles opened as two figures came out, one tall man in his mid thirties with short white hair in a buzzcut, pointed chin and hollow black eyes, wearing a black suit, white dress shirt and red tie, with a rose in his top pocket and black gloves, a figure which just screams assassin and the other a short blond woman that looked no older than 18, with an over the top haircut with two extra long pigtails that go all the way down to the waist, star shaped rings on her fingers and was wearing a bright white dress that, along with her makeup, screamed Idol.

A row of men in suits bowed to these two individuals, as the two descended from the chopper, making their way towards the entrance. While inside, they ran into a youngster, looking no older than the girl, but was wearing a white T-shirt that had "Error 404 T-Shirt not found" written in bold fonts and stained with green and brown, reeking of soy sauce and wasabi, as well as wearing baggy green pants and socks, with his face covered with glasses, a cap with headphones and a face-mask with 404 written on it, making it impossible to deduct what gender he or she was. This, coupled with the man's slouching posture, just screamed shut-in.

"You two made it." he/she said, the voice clouded by what seemed to be a voice changer underneath his or her mask, sounding more mechanical than anything.

"Glad to see you bothered to show up for once, 404." Said the Hitman.

"Same could be said for you, Hantom." the Shut-in replied.

"I'm amazed both of you bothered to show up! I almost never see the two of you in the same place." Said the girl.

"Well, it isn't everyday when the boss calls for an emergency meeting concerning both Cadre Leader and the founding members, so I guess it was worthwhile to check out." Replied 404.

"Lies, you're just doing this because the boss will demote you if you failed to show up for another meeting!" Hissed Hantom.

"Jeez Hant! Don't be like that! What's important is that we all decided to show up!" Said the girl.

"All of us?" Laughed Hantom, "Then where, pray tell, is Froshki? Or Beros for that matter?"

"Guys guys guys, chill out." A fourth voice cut in, "Beros is already inside, and Froshki's absence is perfectly justified, now just head to the meeting room, the Boss is waiting."

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