Chapter Ten

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Much to my amazement, I survived. With Spin and Cody caring for me, I got stronger, and I knew that as the summer days melted away, what we had endured would soon be nothing but a painful memory.

My physical recovery behind us, there was more rehabilitation to be done. We loaded down Spin's Jeep and headed for the coast. 

It was time to heal our souls.

We made it to the beach in time to watch the sunset. I grabbed Cody with one hand and Spin with the other and we raced for the pier. The sun sank into the ocean slowly, the water shimmering like diamonds. I stood between the boys, and I glanced at first one, then the other, my heart swelling with love. They were both bathed in halos of fire, golden light illuminating them like angels. The serenity and joy written on their faces as the sky darkened and the waves crashed beneath us brought tears to my eyes. I could think of nowhere else I would want to be, and nowhere else I wanted to belong. They were the reason for my existence. They were the reason I was still alive. They were my home.

                                                                       * * * *

We stayed at the hotel for almost a week, laughing, crying, and healing. On our last day, when I woke up, I quickly realized I was alone. I hurriedly pulled on a pair of denim shorts and a black bikini top, tying my hair back as I went searching for the boys. I spotted Cody on the balcony, his back to me, gazing out at the ocean. I slid open the door and stepped out, stopping in my tracks as the aroma of roses overpowered me. I looked around slowly. They were everywhere, in every color. Dozens of roses covered every inch of the balcony. 

"What's going on?" I asked, letting out a nervous laugh. Cody spun around, a broad smile crossing his face. 

"Good morning, beautiful," he said softly, kissing my forehead. 

"Good morning," I repeated. "So...did you rob a florist or a something?"

"I love you." Cody's eyes shone with excitement. I smiled, my heart fluttering in my chest.

"I love you too, Cody."

He took my hands in his, and it was then I realized that he was trembling.

"Why are you shaking?" I asked, squeezing his hands. "What's wrong?"

The wind caressed us gently, enveloping us in the sweet scent of the flowers.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is finally right," Cody said breathlessly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Lexi," Cody began, his eyes bright with unshed tears. "If the last year has taught me anything, it's how much you mean to me. It's how much I love you. When you were sick, I was so scared that I might lose you. I never want to feel that way again."

Tears filled my eyes. I swallowed hard, trying to keep them at bay. I knew he would never tell me how badly I had really hurt him with what I had done, but he didn't need to. I could feel it in my own heart how much his had been broken.

"I'm so sorry, Cody. I'll never hurt you again. You're never going to lose me."

"I believe you. I love you with all of my heart. I want to be with you until the day I die."

Cody fumbled in his pockets, grinning at me as he slowly knelt down on one knee, his eyes never leaving my face. Oh my God.

"Lexi," Cody began, his voice cracking with emotion. He opened a small velvet box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you make me the happiest man in the world? Will you be my wife?"

As a tear streaked down Cody's face, I couldn't hold back the emotion any longer, allowing the tears to flow freely.

"Yes," I choked out. "Forever and ever, yes!"

Cody let out a sob, slipping the ring on my finer and jumping to his feet, pulling me into his arms. He kissed me lovingly before crossing the balcony to reach the railing.

"She said yes!" he shouted. I looked over the edge, my gaze landing on Spin perched on the hood of the jeep. He grinned up at me, his expression sheepish, and I knew then that he had helped plan this entire thing, from the moment we had decided on this trip.

"You knew about this?" I called down.

"I don't know what you're talking about, little sister." He blew me a kiss and winked at me.

I began to laugh. Cody grabbed me in a fierce embrace, his own laughter blending with mine. I had never felt so happy. I couldn't agree more with Cody's statement of everything finally being alright. We had made it through so much, and things were finally good.

I found myself praying that it would stay this way, that we had endured all the bad life had planned for us. Praying it could be good, because we had earned it. We deserved it.

Didn't we?

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