Chapter Eighteen

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When the detective had said it would only get worse, I never expected that it would happen so quickly. That very afternoon, Cody came over. I was thrilled at first because I hadn't seen him since the day before at the funeral, but then I got a good look at his face.

"Cody! What the hell happened?"

I grabbed him and pulled him into the house and straight into my arms. His entire body shook against mine. I stepped back, holding him by the shoulders. His bottom lip was busted and swollen, his cheek had a gash from his eye to his chin, his eyes were blackened.

"Talk to me, baby. What happened?" I tried and failed to keep my voice even.

"I got jumped." Cody's words were slurred, his voice thick, around his swollen mouth.

"What do you mean, you got jumped? Who jumped you?" I moved my hands from his arms to his waist, and Cody grimaced, his face twisting in pain. I lifted his shirt slowly. 

"Oh my God," I whispered.

Deep bruises were forming over Cody's rib cage, many taking on the shape of...footprints? Others were long and rounded, like someone had taken a baseball bat to him. I was starting to wonder how Cody was even still standing, but given how he had grown up, I guess Cody had a strength none of us would ever understand.

"Who did this, Cody?" I demanded again, although I already knew by the shape of the bruises.

"The baseball team," he said softly.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. I knew this was all because of me. So I did what any severely emotionally distressed teenage girl would do.

"Daddy!" I screamed shrilly. "Daddy!"

I heard my father's hurried footsteps as he descended the stairs.

"Lexi, what's the ma—" The question died on his lips when he saw Cody.

"Son, what the hell happened to you?"

Before Cody could speak, I cut him off.

"Will you take Cody to the emergency room and take me to see Detective Manning?"

Dad stared sadly at Cody's mangled face.

"I'll get my keys."


It just so happened that the police captain over the squad assigned to my case was the father of Jacob Walker, the first baseman of the baseball team and Dean's best friend. So Detective Manning stood surprised and powerless when Captain Walker barely even glanced at me before he exploded.

"Boys will be boys, Lexi! And frankly, if the ADA didn't insist Dean was held as a flight risk, I would've released him the day he was brought into my squad room in handcuffs! He's a fine boy and an outstanding athlete, and he shouldn't have his name dragged through the mud like this!" 

Manning finally regained his composure and spoke.

"With all due respect, Captain, your relationship with the suspect shouldn't hinder your ability to investigate all aspects of this case properly. What we have here is clearly a case of--"

"What we have here is clearly a case of he said, she said, but I am doing what my role as Captain calls for, and I expect no less from you, Detective, and that includes watching that mouth of yours! Now, you run on home, Lexi, and I don't want to hear another peep of trouble from you until this Godforsaken trial starts, you understand me?"

I nodded wordlessly, gritting my teeth, and turned to leave. Manning watched me apologetically.

"Oh, and Lexi?" Captain Walker's voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

I turned to face him, glaring coldly into his eyes. He held my gaze evenly, his lips curling into a smirk.

"Yes, Captain?" My voice dripped with feigned kindness. Walker sneered angrily.

"Just a little word of advice, Lexi," he said frostily.

"What might that be?"

"You had better get yourself a damn good lawyer, little girl, because you have no idea what you're up against."

Walker took a menacing step forward. Manning stepped between us quickly.

"I know you didn't just threaten a victim, Captain. You are stepping over the line, and Internal Affairs would love a new case." 

"I did not, Detective. Just passing on a little bit of wisdom."

"Walker!" I shouted over Manning's shoulder. 

The captain's eyes grew wide, as though he expected me to remain quiet.

"Dean Marshall raped me and killed my brother! I don't care what I'm up against! I don't care if it kills me! He's going to pay for what he did! You might be able to ignore me and the things I say, but you can't ignore the body in the cemetery that's there because of your precious pitcher! So I'll see you in court, Captain!"

With that said, I spun on my heel and left the station without as much as a glance back. My head whirled, and I was amazed that I had stood up to Captain Walker like that. I never knew I possessed strength like that, courage like that.

I must get that from my brother.  

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