Hell's Throne - Chapter 21

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A week had passed since my encounter with Terran. Most of my injuries had healed and Danny was safe. At least as safe as he could be until we identified the traitor. It left us all hanging in an uneasy limbo. Our days had been spent in a heightened state of fear and suspicion. Fear that someone would get to my son when my guard was down. Suspicion as I looked at every Demon or Soul within the underworld as a potential enemy.

And yet I still had to attend a bloody party.

Despite asking for a reprieve, Lucius had been unwavering. I had to do my duty. He had tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and pressed a kiss against my forehead but his gestures offered little comfort.

Pressing my lips together, I drew in a deep breath and then released it on a sigh. Greta's efforts were wasted on me. The dress wrapped around my body was exquisite. It was made from beautiful silver coloured fabric which caught every beam of light and sparkled brightly. Yet, it did nothing to lift my mood.

"Come on Danny," I said quietly as I held out my hand. "Let's go and find Lucius."

Danny's face lit up at the mention of Lucius, his eyes brightening as he eagerly slipped his hand in mine. And yet the smile quickly slipped away.

"I think he'll be excited to see you," I offered, glancing down at the boy beside me. He scuffed his shoes against the floor, dragging his feet as he kept his gaze down. "I know he was sad he couldn't play Lego with you. He's just trying to stop the bad men from causing any more trouble."

I swallowed past the lump in my throat as his little shoulders shrugged in response. Nothing was how it should be. The underworld was preparing for full scale civil war. Increased patrols. Fear was spreading throughout the city below. As a result, Lucius spent most of his time locked up in his office or in meetings.

Danny missed him.

Heck, I missed him.

Finally Danny nodded his head and when he lifted his gaze, I felt my stomach lurch at the serious expression on his face. Sometimes it felt as if someone centuries older now resided within my son's body, especially when he looked at me with those soulful eyes. "Luce is going to stop more demons from dying,"

Stiffening, I asked, "Where did you hear that?"

"Greta told Marla."

"I'm sorry you had to hear that, sweetheart. They shouldn't have said that in front of you."

My son wrinkled his little nose before he said, "but it's true."

Sighing loudly, I nodded my head. "Yes, honey. Some demons have died. But we will find who did it and make sure they can't hurt any more people. Okay?"

Danny nodded his head and fell quiet. I didn't like it. He was too young to be weighed down by these burdens. Maybe it was a mistake to return to the underworld with Lucius. Maybe I should have remained on Earth with Danny. We could have been safe.

Even as I thought it, I knew it wouldn't have mattered. Trouble always found its way to me, whether it be human or supernatural in nature.

Crouching down, I wrapped my sweet boy into a hug as if I could protect him from all of the evil coming our way. "I love you, sweetheart."

His sweet reply came only a second later, "Love you, mummy."

A cough broke our moment. "They're waiting for you, milady." A green skinned sentry demon stated.

Raising my head, I offered him a nod and with much reluctance released Danny from the hug.

Taking a deep breath, I stood. Then, taking my son's hand once more, I pulled back my shoulders and raised my head before I strode into the throne room like I owned the place. The familiar nerves twisted uncomfortably within my stomach but I kept my face expressionless. It would do no good to show weakness now. Lucius and I had to present a united front and prove we were stronger together. Even if it didn't always feel it.

Hell's Throne (The Devil's Assistant Series - 5 ) - UneditedWhere stories live. Discover now