[chapter two] afraid

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"Alright class, you have some work to attend to. Also, Togata, Hado, Amajiki, Todoroki. Come with me. I have something I want to discuss with you." We looked at each other, then walked outside where our teacher was waiting for us.

"Alright, I have a special assignment given to you from the first year teacher, Eraserhead. You know him, right?"
"Yeah, actually. He's my little brother's teacher."
"Well, they are going to the USJ to do rescue training and 13 wanted you guys as guests there."

"I'll do it. Personally speaking, 13 is my favorite teacher." Then Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki nodded. "Yeah, we'll go too."
"Alright then it's settled. Go change into your hero costumes and have Todoroki get you there. She can do that animal morphing thing."
"Yes sir."

After we all got changed into our hero costumes, I turned into a giant eagle. How'd you do a giant eagle, you ask? Simple. I can also increase or decrease the size of the animal I turn into. The others got onto my back and I flew up. The USJ isn't that far away. Just a five minute fly and we're there.

3rd POV

As the four 3rd years made their way to the USJ, there were other people that noticed them. Not just because there was a giant eagle in Japan, but also because there were people on its back.

"Hey, look at that! There's a giant eagle over there!"
"Shut your mouth, Pikachu, there's no such thing as a—!" SCREEEEEEEE!!!

Eraserhead looked out the window to see a huge eagle, with three other people on its back. People that he recognized. Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, And Tamaki Amajiki. Also known as, The Big Three.

Plus Y/n Todoroki.

He smirked. 'Ah, The Big Three. Always making a dramatic entrance.'

Your POV

We got to the USJ and we were immediately greeted by the rescue hero, Thirteen. "Hey, kids! It's great to see you again!"

"Yep, same to you, Thirteen!"
"The first years are doing their rescue training, so me and Eraser were hoping you'd give an example before they start."
"Sure thing, I'd love to."
"Great. Ah, looks like they're here! You guys stay here, I'll go get the kids."

We heard other kids from the other side of the door. Then the door opened to reveal twenty students with cool hero outfits. One had an explosive outfit. Shouto had a white tux with ice covering half his body.

I whispered to Nejire. "They all look so cool!"
"Yep! Hey, isn't that one your brother?" She asked, pointing to Shouto.
"Mhm. He doesn't like to use his fire."
"Ah, I see."

"And we also have some guests who will be joining you guys today! Meet Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, and Y/n Todoroki!" They all waved and greeted us. "Hey, Todoroki, you didn't tell us you had a sister!"


"Oh, wow, Shouto! Thanks for including me!"

"Anywayyy... these students are the strongest kids in the school. So we call them, "The Big Four(I'm not following the anime anymore xD)!"

"The Big Four?! Sounds AWESOME!"

"So, you four, wanna introduce yourselves?"

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