1~I'm totally Sirius

438 17 11

"GRYFFINDOR!" Yelled the sorting hat after a minute of debate 

Applause erupted from the Gryffindor table. Professor McGonagall gently lifted the hat off of his head so it hovered just inches above his scraggly head of untamed dirty blonde hair. He jumped off the stool making a little fist pump motion as he ran down to the Gryffindor table. Remus didn't recognize anyone at that table so he sat in beside a friendly looking fifth year. He plopped down on the bench beside him.

"Hi," Rumus greeted brightly extending his arm " I'm Remus."

The fifth-year looked around for a second before tracing the sound of the noise back to its original source and flashing him a smile. "Hi Remus," He replied "My name is Frank. Frank Longbottom." He grasped Remus' hand and shook it politely.

"Hi, Frank,"

There were two people sorted into Ravenclaw. Then a boy went up and for some reason, Remus felt very disgusted by. He had straight black greasy hair but, that was not the part that sickened him, it was his extreme obsession with another red-haired first year that was blatantly obvious. He made a mental note to remember his name if it ever came up again. 'Severus Snape'  The hat wasn't even on his head for a second before it shouted at the top of its lungs "SLYTHERIN!" 

Another boy went up, he had untamed black wavy hair and gray eyes that danced with mischief. Remus instantly decided that that boy was going to be a lot of trouble but, that didn't seem to matter much to him.  He silently hoped that he was going to be sorted into Gryffindor but, being the smart cookie he was he concluded that it would never happen on account of him being a Black and the long pure-blood line of Blacks had been Slytherins since the start of Hogwarts.

The hat debated back and forth out loud and that surprised Remus he had thought that Sirius would instantly be sorted into Slytherin by the second the hat touched his head but, he was wrong. Instead "GRYFFINDOR!" was the verdict and yet again the table he was seated at broke into applause.

Sirius looked ecstatic but, slightly scared. He jumped off the stool and ran down the aisle in the same fashion as Remus had. Sirius and Remus had met prior, on the train so he came and sat on the other side of Remus that had been conveniently empty. 

"Hey, Mate!" Greeted Sirius 

"Hi, Sirius!" Said Remus "Felt like rebelling and going into Gryffindor, ah?"

Sirius' grin grew "I would never be a rebel," He said in a calm sarcastic tone.

"Oh, haha," Said Remus

"No, I'm totally Sirius!" That comment caused them both to break out in laughter they were to busy laughing that they didn't even notice that James a black haired, brown eyed boy with glasses that he had also met on the train had been -to no one's surprise- sorted into Gryffindor.

James strut down the aisle with his nose in the air. His eyes fell upon the pair, he laughed along with them even though he had no idea what they were laughing about. James laughter came to an abrupt stop and he asked, " What are you two laughing about?" He sat on the other side of the table parallel to Sirius. They tried to break down the situation to James but, he didn't particularly think it was all that funny.

"I guess you had to be there." Sirius and Remus concluded in unison 

Suddenly the Gryffindor table broke into applause again but, the applause wasn't the same as it was for Sirius, James or Remus. The applause had a tone of a question in it and the reason was that Peter Pettigrew a plump, dumb and the farthest from brave possible boy was just sorted into Gryffindor.

Peter struggled down from his stool and rushed over to the trio. "Hi, guys," Said Peter plopping down beside James and parallel to Remus. They talked for a while about what they thought the Gryffindor common room might look like and guessing what teacher taught what. 

Their conversation came to a halt when Dumbledore's voice echoed around the great hall.

"Welcome, student's to another year at Hogwarts. The Feast will start in mere moments and once it has come to an end your house Prefects will lead you to your common rooms. That's all.....let the feast begin."

With a snap of Dumbledore's fingers loads of food appeared on their plates.

Ok, I don't know why but, I totally loved this chapter for some reason!

I hope you enjoyed     

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