8~ Not Cooler Than Me

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"Are you sure about this," asked Remus regretting his decision to pressure her into letting them go.

"You're the one who wanted to go," she pointed out peeking her head around a corner. That didn't reassure him even in the slightest. She noticed the worry on his face and added "Yes, Remus, don't worry. Um... okay it's up here. We'll have to walk back and forth in front of here four times. And focus very, very hard on what you need." ordered Lily. Sirius was the first to comply, he started running back and forth in front of the seemingly empty wall. "Sirius slow down," she whisper-shouted. 

He didn't seem to hear what she was saying because he kept at the same pace. "Sirius!" she scolded raising her tone slightly but, before anyone could say another word a door appeared. Sirius instantly swung open the door to reveal a room about the same size as there dormitories it had Gryffindor colours in every direction. There were five bean bags that were placed neatly in a circle near a brick fireplace. Once everyone was in the door James -being the last one in- quietly shut the door behind him.

"I call the red bean bag," called Sirius.

"I call the green one," added Remus (he picked the green one because it was right beside the red one)

"The yellow one's mine," threw in Peter

"I want the pink one," said Lily. Everyone expected James to call the last one but, he was too busy staring at Lily.

"Are you going to sit down mate?" asked Sirius. After James didn't reply Sirius decided to just get up and place James in his seat himself.

"Okay, so why did we come here anyway?" asked Sirius taking a Butterbeer out of the mini fridge that Remus hadn't noticed when he first entered the room. "Do you guy's want one?" he added looking around at Lily, Remus and Peter.

"Sure," said Lily "I've never had one before though," everyone in the room turned their heads to look at Lily (James didn't have to turn his head.) 

"Are you serious?" Remus asked his jaw dropped

"No, I'm Sirius," added Sirius "You walked right into that one Remus." everyone stared at Sirius blankly for a second before breaking down into chuckles.

Everyone loaded up on Butterbeer and talked for about an hour or so Peter spoke up  "I am soooooooooo bored," 

"Same," agreed Sirius

"Me too," said Lily

"Me three," Remus added

"No Remus, you would say 'me too' not 'me three' because I said 'me too' not 'me two' not as in the number but, as in 'also' or 'as well'." Remus just glared. "By the way," she added, "We should get down back to the common room before Filch finds us."

With that, they left the Room of Requirement and returned to the Gryffindor Common room. They only narrowly missed Filch when they turned a corner. Once they got there Lily raced up to the girls' dormitories while the boys raced up to theirs. James plopped on his bed staring up at the ceiling with a dazed expression. "She's so pretty. She has perfect jade green eyes and perfect red hair," he said under his breath

"James," Sirius said exasperated "Jeez."

After a moment of silence, Remus had an idea "You know what would be cool... if there were like a map of Hogwarts and it showed you where everyone was at that exact moment." (Lol foreshadowing

"Ya that'd be pretty cool," said Sirius taking a sip from his butterbeer. "But, not cooler than me," 

I know this was a pretty short chapter but, I liked.

I hope you enjoyed  

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