An awful day

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This is not the best chapter of mine so pls... I don't have any ideas
(Russia's POV)
I woke up in a strange house. I wasn't home.... I got up and saw a warm body sleeping near to me. It was USSR. I covered my face with palms. How could I let that happened? I am not like that. In was Sunday so I hadn't school. I took my T-shirt from the floor and get up. I forget my hoodie in there. "Blyat" I ran how fast I could  to my house. I entered and locked the door.
"Jeez what is wrong with you?" Ukraine asked. "And where have you been all this time?" She looked suspicious.
"Uh....I had a sleepover...."
"Where? At who?"
I ran and locked myself in my room. I had a good idea. I won't go out until the school day comes.
[school starts]
(France's POV)
It was Monday so I needed to come back to school. I was excited to see my friends. I was on the way there.
(Russia's POV)
I was sitting outside looking at the countries who were getting in and out of the school. Then something attracted my attention.
"I think you are kidding me...."
USSR was having a bad smile and walking proudly,but this wasn't the thing that made me feel bad. He was wearing my hoodie. I covered my my face with the palm. He came to me.
"Hi Russia~"
"Let. Me. Alone. "
"Wow.... last night u said that you love me and now I don't even bad boy~...."
I sighed.
"Listen not here not now, ok?" I said .
"So you fell bad to be with me in public?"
He hugged me. I looked surprised. I hugged him back.
"I am sorry..."
" problem..." He smiled.
(France's POV)
I arrived at school. I saw Russia.
"MON AMOUR!!!" I jumped in Russia's arms and kissed him.
(Ussr's POV) (this is probably switch a lot)
I was watching from the dark the scene. He promised... he...he.... I got away how fast I could.
(Russia's POV)
I pushed the girl away.
"Oh yeah?! Then why did I have just seen you kissing with her?!"
"Please...I can explain!!!"
"NO! We are done!"
I called on the ground with tears falling on my cheeks. "Please....please....." . He didn't looked back and continued walking.
[time skip] (cause I am lazy)
I was with my friend Japan. She set next to me.
"You know you can tell me anything..."
"I don't want to talk about it...."
She got up and let me alone. I took my phone.
"Hi....I know that u don't want to talk with me but all I wanted to know is that....I am so sorry...hope one day you will forgive me.... I know that u will never love me again but I free..." I send the message.
I got up and went out for a walk. Suddenly a black car appeared from the dark. It opened it's door and the people dragged me in.
Is this to short? Anyway hope that you like it and if u do give a vote. :,)  Do u think they're love is strong enough? Do u think they will be again together?

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