Chapter 20

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It had been about a week since the Adam incident, and thankfully I was just glad it's over

But today was a special day, or as special as it could get really, it was my birthday

Yay me! I guess, I don't do much for my birthday, turning sixteen is just another milestone in the way of life

Woah that was way more insightful than I thought

But today was kinda busy, I'd hang out with the Davenports for a while, then head to my parents for a while, head to the cemetery to visit an old friend and then head back to the Davenports

I hopped out of bed and got dressed into the birthday outfit I had planned for today, it was a pink shirt with a beaded neck design, a navy blue skirt that stopped a bit above my knees that had a flower pattern design on it, I tucked my shirt into my skirt and put a white beaded belt on with a square rhinestone buckle holding it together, completing the look with a pair of matching pink heels

I did my makeup and perfectly curled my hair, smiling at my reflection in the mirror

"Happy birthday, Mandy," I smiled, before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs

As I got downstairs I saw Tasha making breakfast and Leo sitting at the counter talking with her

"Good morning!" I sang as I hopped down the stairs, they turned towards me and smiled

"See? I told you she'd be up early," Leo commented

"Oh, hush! Good morning Scarlett, happy birthday sweetie," Tasha smiled as I sat down at the counter

"Thanks Tasha, and whatever you're making smells amazing," I complimented

"You know her, whenever it comes to birthdays she has to go all out," Leo spoke, I chuckled

"Oh? So you don't want me to go all out on your birthdays?" Tasha smirked as she looked towards Leo

"Let's not get to hasty woman!" Leo gasped, Tasha rolled her eyes playfully as she set down two plates of food in front of me and Leo

"Cupcake pancakes, as usual," Tasha smiled, Leo and I dug into the delicious food

"Mmm, Tasha these are amazing!" I smiled

"It's the one thing you look forward to every year, actually scratch that it's the ONLY thing you look forward to," Leo sassed, I rolled me eyes and elbowed him

"Leo leave Scarlett alone, it's her birthday! Donald and I will give you your present later tonight. But for now I have to go to work, be good and have a wonderful visit with your family. Oh, and tell them I say hello," Tasha spoke, kissing mine and Leo's forehead before she headed out the door

"Do we still have plans at seven?" Leo asked as he bit into his pancake again

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I smiled, finishing off my pancakes before dropping it in the sink

"Okay, Adam you go get balloons, and Bree you--Scarlett!" Chase gasped, I turned towards him and gave him a confused look

"Yes?" I asked, Leo giving Chase a look

"Uh, what are you still doing here? I thought you were going to visit your parents this morning?" Chase nervously asked, I continued to give him my confused look

"Tasha made me breakfast so I sat down and ate it? Anyways I was just about to come down to the lab to say goodbye before I left but I guess now I don't have to," I spoke, walking over towards the three

"You wouldn't want to go into the lab anyway, Adam farted," Bree nervously spoke

"What? No I didn't. We're out of the lab because we're gonna surprise Scarlett--" Adam began

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