Ch. 2: You're no good for me

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  • Dedicated to The wonderful people who became a fan!! I love you guys! Xx

            I wasn’t surprised when I pulled up to my house after school and Chloe was waiting for me. My best friend sat on the front steps of the bakery, her golden hair pulled up in a sophisticated high bun and her sharp blue eyes focused on me. She was wearing her usual dark blue jeans and white t-shirt, her brown boots tapping with impatience. Chloe was so effortlessly beautiful; it almost hurt to look at her sometimes. Now though, I knew I had to. It was time t face the firing squad.

            “Everyone is talking about it, Al! Absolutely everyone. They think maybe you were an accessory to murder or maybe you guys will be like Bonnie and Clyde. Some weird shit, Alice, what on earth were you thinking?” Chloe ranted as I unlocked the bakery and stepped inside. She followed, continuing to question my sanity as I went upstairs to change into different clothes.

            “Chloe, he’s just a guy.” I mumbled through her lecture on mingling with presumed murderers.

            “A guy? Alice, he was accused of murder for Christ’s sake!” Chloe yelled. I took a deep breath as I pulled my top over my head. I tugged on a white t-shirt that said HANNA’S BAKERY on the back in mint green. I pulled my hair out of the shirt and exited my closet to face Chloe. She was a good few inches taller than me, but I held her gaze. Chloe was very strongly opinionated. I understood her protectiveness, she loved me and she protects the ones she loves. But I could, and would, handle this on my own.


            “Don’t give me the whole ‘don’t judge a book’ thing because—“

            “Chloe!” I snapped, making her go quiet. “He was accused of murder. As in they thought he did it and it turns out he didn’t. He is completely isolated from the entire school and it’s because of what someone else thought he did. It’s not fair and I don’t believe he did anything. And as my best friend, I am asking you—no, telling you—to trust my judgment because if not, this is going to turn into a fight.” I looked at her hard, communicating that this was my solid opinion and it would not be wavered. I could be stubborn, too.

            “Alice…” Chloe said quietly.

            “Chloe, it’s done. It’s over. You know where I stand. And until I see with my own eyes Isaac Lahey killing his father, I will not believe it.” As I finished my sentence, there was a ding from the door downstairs, signaling a customer. I nodded. “Now stay and help me.” I told her, pulling her in for a hug. I usually didn’t have any type of confrontation with Chloe and it always left her stunned and me feeling guilty.

            “Fine, I still don’t like it.” Chloe grumbled, heading to my closet to grab a shirt to work in. I gave her a smile and headed downstairs, using a hair tie on my wrist to pull my curls into a ponytail.

            By the time all the orders were filled and customers were taken care of, the clock on the stove read 5:56. Chloe was pulling chocolate éclairs from the display box for Mrs. Dupree, the mother of three children I babysat when they were babies. I was ringing them up and after Mrs. Dupree left, I switched the open sign to closed.

            “That rush was crazy.” Chloe sighed, sitting in one of the stools behind the counter. I nodded, taking my hair down so it fell around my shoulders. I ran my fingers through it.

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