Ch. 3: Long Way Down To The Bottom of the River

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Later that night I hung up the phone with Chloe, intent to finish the math project Isaac and I were supposed to do together. I figured; he is busy and has a lot going on, death of his father and murder accusations and all. He didn't need to worry about this stupid project. Plus, it's not like I slept at night anyway. 

And I didn't know if my mind could handle time alone with him again. 

So I was sitting in my bed, typing away at my computer. I really was good at math. Really, I'd always been good in school. It came naturally to me. So, by the time the computer clock read three o’clock I was finished. 

Sending the project attached with to an email to our teacher, I closed my computer and slumped down in bed. I pulled the covers around me and turned to the window that faced the back woods behind the bakery. 

I was uncomfortable. Not physically. I felt uneasy. Like something had been left undone. Like I was supposed to be somewhere. I felt my eyebrows scrunch as the feeling grew in the middle of my chest. I bit my lip and closed my eyes, willing myself to fall away, into the sleep I hadn't had properly in days. 

I stood, shell shocked and completely paralyzed. My eyes were wide and my heart beat fast and hard in my chest. I felt my mind struggle with the image it was being given. Why was he looking at me like that?

His eyes were shining. And his face was stretched into a heartbreaking smile. It made my heart wretch and my mouth go dry. What on earth had I done to deserve that? 

"Isaac..." I began, but he silenced me with a touch. He had placed his hand on the side of my face, his thumb brushing against my lips. They parted involuntarily and my breathe hit the pad of his thumb and he growled. Almost…animalistic. It made my stomach tug and my cheeks heat up. 

And he pulled me into him. His arm was wrapped tightly around my waist. I was face to face with Isaac. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. He slid the hand on my face to the back of my neck and tilted my face up. His eyes stared greedily at my lips as another growl ripped from his throat. 

"Alice..." He bared his teeth and spoke huskily in a voice that made me want to die. I gasped and my body met the floor of my bedroom. 

My eyes shot open and I groaned in pain. Good God. I thought, rubbing my eyes. What the hell?

I started. Had I...slept? The last thing I remembered was the red digits of my alarm clock flicking to tell 5:32 am. And now...

"IT'S FRIDAY MORNING, YOU'RE ON AIR WITH MITCH HEFFLING AND I AM HERE TO GIVE YOU THIS WEEKS TOP FIVE ON THE CHARTS!" I yelped and my hand flew to my alarm clock. I slammed my fist on it and when silence filled the house, I was left with a slight heart palpitation. 

According to my clock it was 7:30 am. Which meant I had slept two hours. 


Deciding I shouldn't question it, I headed to the bathroom to get ready. While I rinsed my body of honey scented soap suds, I was rushed with a sudden reminder of the dream I had had. I blushed deeply and got out of the shower, trying to shake the feelings. It was as if...

I groaned in frustration. What was it?

After blow-drying my hair I tugged a navy sweater over my head and pulled a black skirt over my black tights. I shoved my feet into my black boots and headed downstairs. My father was reading the paper. 

"Morning." I greeted him. He smiled. 

"Sleep well?"

"Better than usual, actually." I nodded, grabbing a donut and some milk. I kissed my dad on the cheek as I headed for the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2012 ⏰

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