Russian Ballet

89 28 3

Yes, I'm barefoot

Yes, I'm naked

yes, my feet burn

but my body is weightless.

Yes, I'm on the rooftop

Yes, People may stare

And the heating of the sun

is getting hotter as I dance.

yes, i may get roasted

Yes, it'll really hurt

But a storm is coming closer

And the rain will heal my burns

The song's no longer playing

but now it's in my head

The music is still going there

And I still want to dance.

When the clouds are upon me

i realize it's snowing

and, actually, the sun,

was the last of my worries.

The snow is not healing my roasts

and my head forgot the song

The lyrics faded away

The moment my skin felt the cold

Snowflakes cut my skin

And i struggle to breathe,

my lugs are getting stabbed

and my tears are released

That wasn't just snow,

That had to be a blizzard.

I can't find my way back

And im startin' to give up.

Yes, i'm cold

Yes, i'm frozen

The only thing that would've kept me alive

Was the song i had forgotten.

MothsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora