Chapter 1

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The inside of the pod was eerie, empty, and dark, for the lights were dimmed to save the limited supply of power that you had. Originally, there was supposed to be a pilot flying you to your destination, but since they weren’t even sure that you would survive the journey, you were on your own.

You sighed, slouching into the plush airplane-like seats. You were sore, seeing as you couldn’t really stretch with the tightly packed seats around you, and you were currently flying in a seatbelts-required zone.

Your eyes moved toward the tiny window to your right. With a grumble, you tried to maneuver your body toward the window, wincing when the seatbelt cut into your thighs. Why hadn’t they given you a stupid window seat? You were the only passenger after all. But you were able to look a little bit out the window anyway. To your dismay, your vehicle was still moving too fast for you to see anything other than the black expanse of space and brief flashes of color which you assumed were stars.

That’s right. Space. You were in outer space, currently sitting inside what your grandfather excitedly called the E Tornado, E standing for Earth. He had sighed at your confused face, before falling back into the memories of when he was a teenager. Which was a long, long time ago. 

“12:30. Day 13. 5.394 hours until arrival.” A female computerized voice called. “Lunch is now served.”

You quickly righted yourself, feeling your seat rumble beneath you as a magnetic napkin was added to your already numerous seatbelts. 

A tray popped out of the seat in front of you, featuring the latest gourmet space meal of the day. Slightly stale bread and cheese, with water that tasted faintly of tin. Again. Joy. 

Grimacing, you put the cheese on the bread and took a bite. Last day, last day. Only five more hours until I eat real food, not this poor excuse for lunch… 

You sipped your water and gagged at the metallic tang that greeted you. Taking another bite of your lunch, you looked out the window again with difficulty, imagining that the passing stars and planets were multicolored sheep, and by the time you had finished your lunch (you could take as long as you wanted, seeing as you had the time and couldn’t stand the water, but found that female automated voices didn’t understand the term not thirsty.), and counted 186 stars, your eyes slowly closed.

As you drifted into sleep, the computer barely broke your consciousness. “2:00. Day 13. 4.176 hours till arrival…”


A jolt of electricity brought you back to Earth- well, not Earth –and you gave a squeak of surprise.

“3.322 hours till arrival. Please prepare for departure.” You could swear she was mocking you. But abruptly, her tone changed. “Thank you for traveling with SpaceAir, and we hope to help you with all your space needs again~.”

You glared at the ceiling, imagining your eyes burning holes into her circuit board. “Hope to travel with me again. Ha. My ass.”

You felt the electricity again.

“Please prepare for departure.” The computer said cheerily. “We will be landing soon~.”

The seatbelts of the ship finally undid themselves after many countless hours as you grumbled under your breath. Grinning slightly, you stood on shaky legs and brushed off the absurd bright blue jumpsuit you were wearing. Walking down the pod’s long hallway, you brushed your hand against the seats on your left, feeling the course fabric under your fingertips as you made your way to one of the many bathrooms. Finally making it to the back, you waited until one of the rooms lit up with vacant, and stepped in, looking at the glorious décor before you. You opened the ornate sliding shower door and sighed in content. Finally, to be clean.

After All This Time, He Can Finally See You Again... (Sonic fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now