Chapter 3

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You struggled to let your fists relax around the straps of your bag. Your face betrayed no emotion, as you had been trained to do. You knew what was going to happen, and you felt all eyes as you stepped out of the elevator. You surveyed the room quickly, taking everything in. As expected, the room was very basic, with only the essentials. A table, and two chairs on opposite sides were all that filled the room, and a spotlight was the only source of light.

An interrogation room, you thought, walking toward the chair. The two Mobians followed your form, one more amused by your behavior than the other. She acts as if she has no fear... thought the dark hedgehog. Let's see what the commander has to say about that.

"(L/n)" the commander said, standing.

You made your way over to your opposite chair, answering him as you went. "Commander."

You both sat, taking in the other's features. Your hair glinted in the spotlight, and you watched in your peripherals as Shadow and Rouge stood at attention near the table. But that would have to change.

The commander grunted, bringing back your attention. "Nice to actually see your face for once, and not just a voice on a speaker. Any reason for why that was?"

You smiled. "Just as you have your superiors, I have mine Commander. They had to be sure that it was somewhat safe for me to travel over." You paused, eyes glancing over at the Mobians. "And may I say, it's nice to finally meet the man in charge of my safety?"

He nodded. In your mind, you smirked. You had him right in your hands.

The commander folded his hands, pressing his chin to them. "So..." he said, a somewhat malicious glint in his eye. "Let's get down to business shall we?"

You nodded, and reached a hand down for your bag, watching the commander carefully as he watched you. "But first," you said, bringing up a manila folder, "shouldn't we make this conversation a little more, private?"

His eyes didn't move. You were afraid that for a moment, that he wasn't going to heed your request. You blinked, watching the hedgehog stiffen. But the bat smirked. Smart one here...


And out they went. The hedgehog hesitated, but with a cough from Rouge, he followed her.


"Rouge." Shadow growled annoyed.

The bat paused for an instant at the keyboard, before looking at the screen featuring the room they just exited. "I know you're curious. Don't deny it. Just give me one... second..." she tapped a button. Shadow huffed, turning away from the female. But after a moment, his eyes darted back to the screen, curiosity betraying his stoic stature. The bat smirked. "Yes! We have sound!"


You glanced around the room, easily spying the cameras and microphones hidden in inconspicuous spaces. They think me stupid... you thought, remembering what you had been told. "Computer, Access Code: 794"

The commander's brow raised. "Do you really think that would-"

"Access Code accepted. Password?" a female voice interrupted. You smirked. "There is no password."

The commander's mouth dropped. "I-I don't even know that code!"

Folding your hands, you looked at the commander through your lashes. "You have your informants, and I have mine."


All the screens featuring the interrogation room turned to static. Shadow put his hands on the counter, putting all his weight onto it as his eyes narrowed slightly in annoyance. All he heard was the human telling the computer something. But before he heard the code... that happened.

Rouge stood up straight, a smile slowly spreading across her face. "That girl..."

The hedgehog's eyes moved to her. Rouge met them, her smile turning into a smirk, one Shadow was beginning to recognize as the same one that flitted across your face, usually quickly.

Rouge continued, "She knew exactly what we were doing. She knew."

The male was confused, but he wouldn't show it. "She knew?"

The bat rolled her eyes. "She's never been here. Hell, the girl's never even been on this planet before! But she knew about that access code, and she knew that the interrogation room was bugged. She's gonna do fine here."


"Now then," You said, opening the folder, ignoring the commander's gaping mouth. Papers were stacked upon each other, stapled neatly in their own separate subjects. "I assume that you have not been told all the details. That's a government for you." You chuckled. "In these papers are all the information that has been withheld from you, Commander. Care to brief them?"

After closing the manila folder, you slid it toward him, watching his eyes follow it until it stopped in front of his sitting form. As if in a daze, he picked up the papers inside, and his eyes followed the trail of words. Slowly his eyes began to widen, as realization dawned on him.

You played with your nails. You didn't show it, but you really feared this man, because of the temper he withheld, and the power that he could wield. Every fiber of your being hoped that he would not take this anger out on you, but what you feared most was that he would send you back, that you would be called a failure.

His hands flipped to the next page. Your breath hitched, and you struggled to keep your calm composure as his eyes narrowed. Your eyes went to the bag holding your lifeline, wondering if the commander would even notice you reaching in to inhale the foreign chemicals.

Another page flipped. Your thoughts wandered to the hedgehog and bat. You knew they weren't the only ones that you were sent to see, but unfortunately, with the attitude that Shadow seemed to have toward you, it didn't seem that you would be going anywhere soon. You knew why he seemed to hate you, why he seemed to hate all humans. But you hoped, that with time, this hatred would begin to subside as you stayed on Mobius.

And that bat. You smirked, the turning of paper hitting your ears. She and you would definitely get along.

The packet was set down on the table. Your eyes followed it, hearing the commander sigh. "I'm going to finish the rest later. But basically," he said, folding his hands, "he's the reason you're here?"

You nodded. "Why don't I leave you to those papers? I'm sure you're dying of curiosity, and I would like to see my accommodations for the time being."

With that, you stood, gathering your things and walking out, hearing your heels click with your steps. The door automatically closed as you exited. The commander watched you leave with calculating eyes, before picking up the folder and sighing, seeing how many things there were about you to read.

You sighed, falling against the wall, clutching your forehead. Your nails scraped your skin, clutching hair in the tight grip. Breathe in... breathe out. Glancing down the hall, you tried to remember what floor you were on. You shut your eyes, relaying the map of the tower in your head. The apartments were in the middle of the tower, and the interrogation floor was near the top, where you were. You opened your eyes, meeting the cheap carpet of the floor. Your shoes were unintentionally shiny, you noticed, and your skirt was too short for your liking. But what were you to do? You rubbed your temples, before finally looking up.

Your breath hitched.

Red was the only thing your eyes met.




But seriously. Happy New Year everyone! Haven't seen you all since last year!! XD Honestly, I need ideas. Have anyone you want to see? I have no idea of how to get 'you' out of base, haha.

No idea how in Chaos I'm suppossed to keep this going.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 08, 2015 ⏰

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