Haunted House Alone Time

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Gabriel was home at the small apartment he had bought before giving his earned money to his careless mother. He laid on his couch in his boxers and T-shirt, thinking about the other night at Dariush's House, they were so close, what if they kissed? What was he thinking!? "Ugh" he breathed in stress before he fell into dreadful silence. Thinking about Dariush repeatedly, then his ring tone tore into the silence and made him jump and fell off the couch. "Shit" he grumbled reaching up and grabbing his phone, seeing Dariush calling him, 'speak of the devil' he thought before sighing deeply and answer, "Ya?" He said raking his fingers through his hair.

"That's how you answer the phone bro?"

"Sorry I'm tired"

"Oh, so that means you aren't interested in ghost titties?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Ha ha, one of my neighbors is moving so they're turning their house into a haunted house for celebration of an anniversary"

"It's June"

"Blah blah skip the details, are you in? I ain't going by myself"

"T-Then ask Alex or ZhenZhen"

"Bro you know they're on a vacation in Vegas with Alex's mom and boyfriend"

"Okay...fine I'll come...when?"

"Be ready tonight at 9, I'll pick you up"


Gabriel hung up and dropped his phone on the carpeted floor, groaning before dropping his face into his palms before standing up, he wasn't ready to be alone with Dariush again but he had to face the music. He rushed into his room and got his best casual outfit out, sitting it on the bed before taking a hour long shower thinking about Dariush and what would happen tonight with him. Once he got out, he dried and combed his hair and used his best hair products, before getting dressed in his fresh red polo shirt, crisp black skinny jeans and sneakers, sighing deeply as he got his phone and left his apartment, waiting outside of the apartment complex. He waited for 20 minutes before the slick black limousine pulled up, Dariush grinning as the window rolled down, "Let's ride G!" He called with a laugh, Gabriel couldn't help but smile and got into the car beside Dariush.

A while later they arrived at the mansion turned haunted house and got out, walking up to the door together. "You ready?" Dariush asked with a smirk, Gabriel nodded with a smile before suddenly they were pushed into the house, both of them screaming bloody murder as they tumbled into a pair of other people, the four of them gasped and looked at each other, Dariush and Gabriel were face to face with a pair of girls that could almost be twins. "Jesus you scared the shit out of me!" The shorter girl hissed angrily, the other rolling her eyes and looking around cautiously. "Sorry" Gabriel whispered, "Damn" Dariush purred, making the girls turn away from him. "Let's stick together" Gabriel suggested, he didn't know them but at least he wouldn't be alone with Dariush with mixed emotions.

Later they found out that the two girls were sisters, Tameyah and Zakkiyah Amor and they were pretty cool and Gabriel enjoyed their company despite Dariush drooling over them, he didn't know why it made him  feel some type of way. Soon they were in a master bedroom, looking around carefully. "Shouldn't we be headed to the other end to escape?" Tameyah said folding her arms, Zakkiyah rolling her eyes. "Babe, if we try to cut to the end where's the fun?" Dariush smirked, making Gabriel tense uncomfortably, Zakkiyah seemed to notice. Tameyah elbowed Dariush in the stomach, "Piss off jackass" she said before she and Dariush had the carpet pulled from under them, making them fall and scream as Gabriel and Zakkiyah turned around swiftly. Zombies speeding into the room, making Zakkiyah shriek, her and Gabriel jumped onto the bed, grappling each other as Dariush and Tameyah stood up and sprinted out of the room. Gabriel and Zakkiyah leaped off the bed, running out of the room, separated from the others as they ran down different hallways. Gabriel and Zakkiyah hid in a bathroom, shutting the door. Dariush and Tameyah hid in a closet in the hallway. The house falling into silence as if they were the only ones there. Like they were just


"Smooth Criminal" - A Dariush x Gabriel storyWhere stories live. Discover now