Haunted House Discussions

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As the haunted fell into another eerie silence, the four were silent and separated in the large ominous structure set up to terrify them. Zakkiyah and Gabriel sat in a bathroom with the door locked, the boy sat on the toilet with his head in his hands muttering worries to himself helplessly. Zakkiyah was holding her ear to the door, after hearing nothing but eerie movement she turned around, seeing Gabriel in a semi panic attack, she rolled her eyes as she walked over and sat up on the counter, crossing her legs.

"You do know that this isn't real right?" And asked with an arched brow. Gabriel looked up confused but then realized what she meant, he laughed softly before shaking his head, "No it's not that, just something on my mind" he told her before looking away solemnly. Zakkiyah sighed deeply, "I got time"  she told him. Gabriel looked at her before nodding, "Its just that this person is making me feel odd, I get butterflies when I'm around them" Gabriel begun.

"Why are you using they and them pronouns? Isn't this a guy?" Zakkiyah asked casually as she folded her arms and flipped her hair out her face with a casual head movement. Gabriel looked shocked, "W-What? No!" He exclaimed trying to act offended and looked to the ceiling glanced back. He snuck a glance at Zakkiyah and saw her giving him a look that said stop bullshitting. "How did you know?" He asked softly, hardly above a whisper. Zakkiyah hummed, "At first I just thought I'd mess with you because you're the first not to look at Tameyah like a hungry dog, so I decided to ask the question, I could tell from your answer just now, plus my Gaydar has been ringing ever since I saw you" she explained nonchalantly.

Gabriel arched a brow, "Gaydar? Does that mean..." he trailed off and Zakkiyah simply nodded shamelessly and Gabriel now found himself looking up to her as they continued talking about his life situation, he Came to find out that Zakkiyah was a blunt person the hard way but he always found mean people to be funny and the perfect people to get insight on because they're honest.

Meanwhile, Dariush and Tameyah stood in a hallway closet face to face, a light hanging from the ceiling illuminated the dark place slightly, only enough for them to make out each other's faces. "What are you looking at?" Tameyah huffed folding her arms, looking off into the darkness that was the rest of the closet. Dariush smirked wickedly, "I'm rich" he started folding his arms and awaiting her praise but he got quite the opposite. "So ducking what."  Was Tameyah's cold and blatant response to the statement, Dariush cleared his throat awkwardly, "Oh um, well I-" He was cut off this time.

"Look whatever your name is, I'm not interested, i should tell your boyfriend, what are you bi?" Tameyah interrupted, her hand now on her hip as she narrowed her gaze. Dariush coughed on thin air, holding his chest as he cleared his throat. "The hell are you talking about? Gabriel? Chill he's my best friend, that's it" he told her seriously with a huff. "Sure" was her response before she continued, "But am I really supposed to believe that? The way you two look at each is more suggestive than best friends, these feelings you both are obviously feeling towards each is not platonic, I bet Zakkiyah is already talking to the other one" Tameyah concludes with a shrug. "B-Bullshit.." Dariush stuttered, Tameyah rolled her eyes before hearing a soft groan, the two look to their right, opposite of the door, Tameyah grabs the dangling light and points it towards it, seeing a zombie just standing there.


Zakkiyah and Gabriel cut the discussion short as they heard the screaming and rummaging of the others in the hallway, they ran out the bathroom only to be ran over by Tameyah and Dariush, "Every man for himself!" Dariush shrieked as he and Tameyah fumbled down the steps. Zakkiyah and Gabriel on the floor as the zombie towered over them, they both kicked between its legs simultaneously, hearing a very human grunt and groan as they both got up and ran down the steps and out the house, they exchanged numbers before running off, Tameyah and Zakkiyah ran left while Dariush and Gabriel ran right, they needed to get in the house as they could sue them because of that hit but Gabriel was only laughing about it as he and Dariush crashed into his house and closed the double doors. Laughing as they slid down, both secretly thinking about those haunted house discussions.

"Smooth Criminal" - A Dariush x Gabriel storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora