Chapter 9

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Pinepaw slowly pads out of the apprentices' den, having just woke up. He quickly stops as Milkpaw jumps in front of him. He lets out a yowl out of shock, which makes Milkpaw let out a purr of amusement.

"You scared me!" Pinepaw meows.

"I'm sorry!" Milkpaw replies, still purring with amusement. "Have you heard the rumor yet?" She then asks.

"What rumor? I just woke up," Pinepaw responds with a yawn.

"There's a rumor going around that Juniperleaf is expecting kits!" Milkpaw reveals.

"What? That can't be true. She doesn't have a mate!" Pinepaw meows out of surprise.

"Next time you see her, look at her belly and tell me she doesn't look like she's expecting kits," Milkpaw meows.

"Rumors are rumors, Milkpaw. Just because it's going around doesn't mean it's true," Pinepaw responds, flattening his ears.

"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high branch for a Clan meeting!" Pinepaw then hears his father's voice call from the high branch.

"Oh, this might be about her," Milkpaw whispers. The two apprentices pad closer to the high branch. Then, they sit down next to each other. Once all cats have gathered, Boulderstar speaks up.

"There have been rumors going around about Juniperleaf. Me, along with other ShadowClan cats, would like to know Juniperleaf's answer to these rumors," Boulderstar meows. All eyes then glance over at the ginger she-cat.

"I can tell she's nervous," Pinepaw whispers to Milkpaw.

"Juniperleaf, there's a rumor that you are expecting kits, is that true?" Boulderstar asks the warrior.

"Yes," Juniperleaf answers, "it's true." A few gasps come from the crowd of ShadowClan cats, then a lot of cats begin talking at once. Pinepaw and Milkpaw stay silent.

"Silence!" Boulderstar yowls, attempting to stop the chaos. Then, the cats go quiet again. "Juniperleaf, since we all are aware you don't have a ShadowClan mate, please explain yourself," he meows. Pinepaw watches as Juniperleaf looks down at her paws in shame.

"The father is a loner and a former kittypet named Peter. I have been meeting up with him recently and turns out I'm carrying his kits. I'm sorry for betraying ShadowClan, Boulderstar. I promise I'll never meet up with him again," Juniperleaf explains.

"If you never meet up with him again like you promised, then you will face no punishment," Boulderstar concludes. "If you are caught with him again, that will be a different story," he meows.

"Y-yes Boulderstar," Juniperleaf responds, lowering her ears. Leafshadow, who is sitting beside her sister, wraps her tail around her to show her support.

"The Clan meeting is now dismissed," Boulderstar announces, leaping down from the high branch.

"I told you," Milkpaw meows.

"I'm honestly very shocked. I never thought she was the type to do something like that," Pinepaw responds.

"Everyone is," Milkpaw meows. "I couldn't believe it when I first heard it either."

"I guess Rosedawn and Acornkit won't be the only ones in the nursery anymore," Pinepaw meows.

"I feel bad for her though, she can't meet her mate ever again... I would hate it if that happened to me," Milkpaw meows.

"I do too," Pinepaw responds. "Anyways, is Volenose going to start training you m–" he starts, but he is interrupted.

"Pinepaw!" Leafshadow yowls. "Let's go train!" She meows.

"See you later, Milkpaw," Pinepaw meows, beginning to walk over to his mentor.

"See you later," Milkpaw responds, padding away as well.

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