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LEADER  Boulderstar— Dark gray tom with amber eyes

DEPUTY Hawktalon— Brown she-cat with amber eyes

MEDICINE CAT  Acornfall — very pale brown tabby tom with blue eyes

WARRIORS  Ebonyfrost— Brown-and-white she-cat
Beetlenose— Black tom
Spikepelt— Gray-and-white tom
Mousetuft— Pale brown she-cat
Flamepelt— Dark ginger tabby tom
Pineshade— Dark gray tom with green eyes
Frogleap— Black-and-white tom
Wolfclaw— Gray-and-white tabby she-cat
Swiftfang— Black tom
Fernpool— Oddly black-and-gray she-cat

QUEENS  Icewhisker— White she-cat, mother to Flamepelt's kits: Applekit (ginger tom) and Cloudkit (fluffy white she-kit); adoptive mother to Duskkit (gray she-kit) and Smokekit (dark gray she-kit)
Ivycloud— Gray-and-white she-cat, mother to Frogleap's kits: Ashkit (gray she-kit) and Marshkit (gray-and-white tom); adoptive mother to Adderkit (brown tabby tom)

ELDERS Jaggedfoot— Black-and-white tom with an injured foot
Juniperleaf— Ginger she-cat
Nightbreeze— Black she-cat with green eyes
Jayflight— Blueish gray tom

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