chapter 2 the first years

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raina pov 

later that day the first years arived by airship. i was told to help any students that needed help and direct them to the auditorim. well that was before i heard an explosion. i made it there in time to see a girl clad in black obviously a faunas talking to the heiress while holding onto a vial of red dust.

raina: sorry to iterupt ladies but i must ask for either this conflict to be resolved or for the three of you to seperate, while this is a combat school, there are no fights scheduald to happen until classes start after initiation, i am sorry to inconvenience you and to have taken up your time but please try not to cause trouble and make your way to the the auditorium for the headmasters speach, i hope you all enjoy your day and fairwell. 

i leave after flashing my signiture smile and begin to walk to the auditorium where my father and glynda are waiting for me.

raina: my apologies father glynda for being late i had to settle a small quarrel with three girls over some spilt luggage. 

ozpin: that is quite alright id rather you be a little late and get some social excersize than youy be on time and unable to speak to a person.

raina: right how long before all the students arrive in the auditorium?

glynda: approximately 5 minutes

raina: alright 

 i look into a mirro and fix my hair so it looks nice with ,y hat i also straiten out my t shirt and make sure all of my articles of clothing are clean before i have to go out. by the time i finished me and my father walk out with me being at his side and slightly behind him. i look out at all the students and i have a blank face 

my father says his speach and i step up tot he podeum to say something as well.

raina: fellow students, no matter how harsh ozpin said it the basis of what he said is true, that is something you should hold onto. nothing will every improve it you dont work at it. this year you will all start your journy to becoming huntsmen and huntresses. now before an example will be made let me say discrimination against anyone for any reason will not be tollerated and will result in imediate expulsion. am i clear? 

after that glynda told us that the first years will be staying in the ballroom and my father nodded to me meaning that did not include me because i have a room in the school until teams are made. 

we all retire to our place of rest me to my room and the rest to the ballroom excluding the teachers.

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