letter one

49 2 0

Dear the woman in the mall,

I know you won't remember me,
and I'm fine with that.
As a matter of fact,
you will never even read this.
But I would like to apologize for being disgusted.

I know it's okay,
for someone to kiss the same gender as them.
I didn't know then,
but I know now.
maybe I shouldn't apologize.
I was so young,
and I didn't know much of anything.

Except that,
when I finished drinking my moms cup of Pepsi.
That I didn't like soda,
and I will never drink it again
Which to this day,
I still don't.

But I know deep down in my core.
If I don't spill my emotions on paper.
It would eat at me and imbed in my mind.

I still think about it,
every now and then.
You probably won't even remember this at all.
But before I end this.
I would like to say,
that wherever you ended up.
I hope you're happy,
and that you found peace.

the little girl who no one understood.

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