letter four

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Dear fake crushes I had,

I remember hearing from other people.
How they liked this,
or that person.
But I didn't like anyone in that way.
So, I left out among my peers.

Instead of being honest,
I lied.
About liking the most random people.
The boy with light blonde hair,
or the girl who had the most enticing eyes.
You probably never noticed me.
But I didn't feel comfortable around you.

Not cause I didn't like you.
But cause of the lies,
I was starting to believe were true.
Even though I knew they were not.

I mean ,
if you have been repeating lying to yourself.
Then it gets easier,
to get lost in them.
I know that now.
But it feels too late,
as I must now write them away.

I guess it's easier to admit,
that I was wrong now.
Because before,
I was to blind by peer acceptance.
I don't care about what others think about me.
Cause I don't change for anyone anymore.
If it wasn't for you,
I wouldn't have realized dating isn't for me.
So, thank you and I wish nothing but the best of you.

the girl who has so many regrets.

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