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The wizarding world is a strange place. It can be found all over the planet, even in the most unlikely of places. In a young boy living on the London streets. In a teenage girl living in a cramped apartment in Mumbai. In a nonbinary adult living in a Hong Kong penthouse.

Magic is everywhere. It's taught in many ways, through many different methods. Some are taught through their parents. Others learn through books and from the knowledge of those from the past. The fortunate ones are able to go to a school, like Hogwarts or Ilvermorny. The unfortunate ones never get a teacher and have to figure it out for themselves, if they ever figure it out at all.

Humans go about their days, oblivious to this entirely separate world that's sharing their planet. They are unaware of the good, the incredible, and breathtakingly beautiful parts of it; but they're blissfully unaware of the wars, the conflicts, the evil that can accompany that kind of power.

Yes, there is just as much evil and darkness found in magic as there is goodness and light.

Many years ago, the Dark Lord Voldemort killed countless people in an attempt to prove himself superior to all. His goal was to eliminate all those he didn't deem pure enough to be under his regime; when wizards and witches fought back, he and his followers retaliated, leading to many years of fighting and death. It came to an end when a prophecy arose and foretold his down fall to a young wizard in the future. He attempted to kill this young wizard before he could ever have the chance, but failed.

Harry Potter became the boy who lived.

Eleven years later, he went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In the first year, he battled Voldemort through another. In his second, he battled his younger self. In the third, he battled his supposedly most devoted follower. Fourth year, he competed in the Triwizard Tournament and Lord Voldemort rose again.

Through his fifth, sixth, and seventh year, he fought against the Dark Lord and his followers, breaking rules and laws left and right. Many died, but eventually Lord Voldemort fell. Most of the Death Eaters fell along with him.

However, evil isn't something that goes away and never resurfaces again. The divides that those past conflicts caused still remain in subtle ways. They remain in people that can't let go of the past, and those people will continue to hurt others and drive knives deeper into the cuts the past evils made in society and life.

This story takes place many years after the fall of Lord Voldemort. It follows mainly two young wizards that come from very different worlds. They meet just a few months after the first of the two turns fifteen. 

Roman Prince, a young pure-blooded wizard, comes from a family full of successful witches and wizards. Many of his older relatives were members of the Order of the Phoenix and fought beside Harry Potter himself during the Battle of Hogwarts many years ago. Unlike many of the pure-bloods left in this day and age, he doesn't flaunt his status. He feels that it's not his blood that makes him worthy of praise, but rather his abilities and good looks.

Hey, I never said he doesn't flaunt his ego.

Despite having a short temper, a self esteem that's sometimes too high, and a habit of not being the brightest in the class, he's truly a hopeless romantic and a fiercely courageous young man. He has no problem fighting for his friends when something or someone threatens them, but that means that sometimes he's reckless.

When someone he cares about is hurt, Roman likes to get revenge for it. He doesn't like the idea of abuser getting away with their actions. This often means he has to disregard the rules but as a Gryffindor, he has no problem with that.

He's a member of the Quidditch team as well and a very talented chaser for Gryffindor. Having been on the team since his second year, he's score many, many goals for his house. He's looked up to lots of the younger, burgeoning Quidditch players on their team; in fact, there's been talk about him taking over responsibility of captain in his sixth year.

With one year away from this fate and plenty of opportunities ahead of him, Roman is excited to return to Hogwarts.

Virgil Black is from an entirely different background. He's a half-blood, all of his magical heritage coming from his mother's side of the family. She taught him how to use magic as a child and would've continued to do so had she'd not fallen victim to an ex-Death Eater terrorist attack that had taken place over the summer.

You see, his mother was a very powerful witch when she was in the Order of the Phoenix, and before she became a stay-at-home mom, she was an Auror. This means she made enemies with many dark wizards over her couple years of service.

She had warned her husband that things might be difficult for them because of this and they were always careful, but no one could've foreseen the attack that had led to her death. Virgil is now left with a muggle father who has no real experience with the true wizarding world. He's heard the stories from his wife, but he'd never seen it with his own eyes until the letter of condolences came from Headmistress McGonagall of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The letter had apologized greatly for their loss and then went on to explain that Virgil was to attend Hogwarts until his seventh year. His father had been conflicted about the matter but ultimately decided it was safer for him to go somewhere he could continue to learn how to control his power and be protect from evils that might want more revenge on his mother.

The young Virgil Black greatly disagreed with the decision, knowing full well of the biases, the stereotypes, and troubles that Hogwarts held from his mother's less pleasant stories. The house system didn't make sense to him and he was never good at making friends.

He's an introvert with a talent for writing, drawing, and other forms of crafts and arts that were commonly used by those with anxious tendencies to distract oneself. He prefers to be alone, and this new school was not what he had in mind after being home-schooled for so long by someone who was as every bit brilliant as she was kind.

Nonetheless, he's on his way to King's Cross Station to start his first (fifth) year of school at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Two vastly different backgrounds, two vastly different personalities. Let's just see what happens, shall we?

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