Chapter One: The Life of Roman Prince

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It was the sunlight streaming through his sheer curtains that woke Roman up from his peaceful slumber. His eyes fluttered open and squinted against the brightness. As he sat up, he reached up to shade his eyes against it, blinking as his vision focused and scanned the room. A grin slowly made its way across his lips. 

He knew what today was. Today was the last day of his summer vacation. 

Most kids his age would dread this day, but Roman was no ordinary kid. He was fifteen-year-old wizard. When he went to school, he would be learning how to cast spells rather than useless math equations. He'd be analyzing ancient runes and prophecies instead of over-analyzing some slightly above average poem. He'd be flying laps around the Quidditch pitch instead of running laps around some track.

School wasn't something to dread when you went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 

Well, there were always downsides to it. The O.W.L.s he'd be having to take this year wouldn't necessarily be fun for someone like him. Roman was more of a performer than an academic achiever. Whether it was dodging Bludgers as he scored a goal for Gryffindor or belting out the last note of his theatrical solo, he was much more comfortable than when he was forced to take tests or answer questions aloud in class. 

Roman had a couple good friends to help him with the impending O.W.L.s they'd have to take though. 

Logan Sharp, a modern-day Hermione Granger, was excellent when it came to anything involving the academics of Hogwarts; it didn't exactly hurt that he was a Ravenclaw too. He was counting on his help for some of the trickier homework essays.

Patton Valentine was the most loyal Hufflepuff he'd ever met and was always ready to lend a hand, even if he wasn't so good with the topic. Though he doesn't admit it, he's a genius when it comes to Transfiguration spells and anything involving the Care of Magical Creatures.

Those two were his closest friends, but being the star Chaser of the Gryffindor Quidditch team had benefits when it came to his social life. Almost everyone wanted to be friends with him and he could pick and chose who he wanted to associate himself with. He enjoyed hanging out with Emile from Ravenclaw and Luis from Hufflepuff. 

"BROTHER!! GET UP!" a voice yelled from the other side of his door, making him wince. 

That voice belonged to another set back in his almost perfect life: his little brother Remus. Well, 'little' by about a year. They were practically identical twins, only able to be told apart by their different clothing styles and the fact that Remus was sporting some growing facial hair above his lip that honestly just disgusted Roman; he wasn't even fifteen yet, what was he doing letting those whiskers grow like that? 

"Go away Remus!" he yelled back, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

His reply was met with his brother pounding his fists on the door to the rhythm of All Star by Smash Mouth, which made him groan and bury his head back in his pillows. "Get up you lazy ass! Mom made pancakes!"

"The ones with M&Ms and strawberries?" Roman called curiously. 

"Yeah! Now GET UP!" he said, punctuating his last two words with two pounds on his door. 

He sighed as he heard his footsteps get further away from his door, relaxing a bit. The smile he'd woken up with returned to his face as he took a deep breath in through his nose. Now that he'd been told, he could smell the pancakes coming from downstairs. 

Roman forced himself out of his comfortable bed, reaching up above his head as he stretched out his back. The carpet beneath his bare feet was soft and made him smile even more. Waking up in the morning was something he enjoyed when he was comfortable, which he was fortunate enough to always be comfortable.

He ran his fingers through his hair and headed downstairs for breakfast. His father was already gone and on his way to work which wasn't surprising to him; part of the reason they were so well off was because of his high paying job at the Ministry of Magic. 

If meaning he wouldn't get to see his father that much meant that he and his brother could afford the fastest brooms, the finest robes, and the most expensive equipment, he was okay with it. Not to mention, his mother was happy with having the house to herself a lot, and not having to struggle for money eased the pressure to get a job off of her. 

"Good morning sweetie, your pancakes are ready," his mother greeted as he sat down at the table with a yawn. "Three pancakes with strawberries and only the red M&Ms."

"Thanks mom!" Roman said, beginning to cut into the pancakes excitedly. He looked across the table to see his brother already eating his. He had green M&Ms in his and liked to put ranch dressing on them. He gagged and looked away, covering the sight with his hand in front of his face. "Remus, that is so disgusting!"

His brother just cackled and continued eating. "Suck it! This is how I like them!"

"Boys, be nice to each other, it's your last day of summer and then you'll be on your way back to school tomorrow. You should enjoy seeing each other! You two won't have many classes together because Remus is a year younger," their mother scolded.

"Yeah, I know mom, but he's such a pain in the ass-"

She gave him a sharp look with an arched eyebrow and he sighed in defeat. "Alright, I'm sorry," he said, turning back to his delicious pancakes and avoiding looking at the disgusting ones his brother was eating. Once he was finished, he rinsed his plate off in the sink and placed it in the dishwasher. "Thanks again for the pancakes, mom, it was really good!"

"You're welcome dear, now I'd recommend you start packing!"

Roman nodded and headed back up to his room. He pulled on some fresh clothes, brushed his teeth, and combed his hair to perfection, smiling at his handsome reflection in the mirror. Heading across the room, he pulled out his trunk and began packing.

He was ready to go back to Hogwarts.

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