Chapter 10

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"Okay, that's just insane." Mirah laughs as we approach the building.

"No, I'm serious. I heard him say we're the most important people in his life right now." Taehyung tries to convince Mirah and I that Ku, from Alcoholics Anonymous, genuinely liked us even though he had done nothing to prove it.

"Just wait, I'm sure he'll say something about it later." He opens the door for Mirah and I as we enter.

I thank him with a smile as he pulls up a chair for me, Mirah dragging her own chair as she sat next to me.

After that night from the diner, which was a little over two weeks ago, Taehyung and I agreed not to go into anything as of yet since we didn't want to ruin what we had with Mirah. We knew she was probably in her rebound phase and didn't need the extra pressure on her now.

She had been doing good ever since that night, no drunken phone calls or anything. As for me, I had a few slip ups, one major one which led me back to Yoongi's apartment. Taehyung assured me, telling me that change comes with time and pressuring myself would just make things worse so I tried not to let it bother me much.

That's all it was. A slip up. I still had time to improve.

"I don't see any new faces today." Jaeun, the chairperson, spoke out. He was right, we had stopped getting newcomers after the second week and on top of that, the attendance was decreasing.

There were at least 30 when I started but now we were reaching 15, more people dropping out of sessions as time went by. I wondered how many were here before I even came, if it was an entire hall full of people who simply lost hope. It was sad but understandable. If I hadn't met Taehyung and Mirah, I probably would've stopped coming too.

"So, I guess we'll just start off the circle with Ku then." He chimed, his smile unwavering since the first session. I always wondered if he was asked to be this happy because it just didn't seem human.

"Hi everyone," Ku starts off the circle like he always does and goes on to say how he thinks he finally has his life together. There were a few bitter stares being thrown at him, but as for the rest, we were happy his life was finally turning around.

"So, I would like to invite all of you to my open house. I know I wouldn't have been able to get here if it weren't for all of you. You're all one of the most important people in my life right now." He says and Taehyung nudges me with his leg.

"I told you." He whispered.

"Here," Ku said as he passed down little invitation cards and I get one in my hand. "I would really appreciate if all of you could make it." He says with a nod. Apparently, he moved out of his old place due to the memories taunting him.

A brand new start, that's what he said.

After a few moments, the circle carried on with their stories of the week and the struggle of not drinking and I noticed majority of them had huge improvements.

Was I not trying hard enough?

"Hey," Taehyung taps onto me and I see everyone standing hand in hand, ready for prayer and that's when I realised I had missed the entire session, wallowing in my own thoughts.

I intertwine my fingers with his and Mirah on my right as Jaeun led us in prayer. Soon, everyone's leaving the hall and I notice Ku walking over to us.

"Hi." He smiles, the corners of his lips creasing with faint lines. He was way too young to have those stress lines.

"Oh, hi." Taehyung turns to him as Mirah stood by close to me.

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