Chapter 1: New Kids In Town

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You know how everyone had a hero in their life. Mine happen to be the Archer of all Archers. Robin Hood. I loved listening to his adventures. When I got older I read the series about Rowan Hood, Robin Hood's daughter.

I bagged my dad to buy me a Bow. He agreed after the thousandth time. Since we owned a lot of land, I got to practice in the back of the house near the woods. I know the woods can be dangerous, but after a few years of shooting, I'm more dangerous.

It helps when my mother is an Angel. I only get to see her three times a year cause my father is a human making me half human. My father says that I'll end up like him, a human. The thing he doesn't know is I got super strength, hearing, sight, speed, powers, and wings.

No way am I going to be just a human. I'm going to use my gifts from my mother's blood. My mom said I might become a fallen angel, my wings turning black and gain more power. She might be right but we won't know till I turn 18, which is in 4 months.

My mom might be watching over me but I hide from her site easily. That's when the fun starts. Like Robin Hood, I steal. The only difference is I steal for my dad, my little sister, my big brother and me. We never had a lot. My dad just thought I got a new job with all the money I got.

Yeah my life is perfect now and it's going to a stay like this. Nothing is ever going to get in my way. I'll just keep taking care of my dad and me. My mom will never find out if I keep getting away and never get caught.


I walk through the school halls as I read a magazine about paintings and their value. Cliff House painting for 6k. I think that is going to be my next target. Be worth more on the black market. Dad needs the money right now.

Someone stops in front of me making me stop in place. I don't even look up to see who it is. "Move please."

The person laughs. "Go around."

I sigh and walk around not taking my eyes off my magazine. A growl makes me shiver. I look up at the person to see the cutes guy in the world. He has yellowish eyes and brown color hair. His skin was tan and his muscles...what am I thinking?

He seems to be new to this school, never seen him before. I turn and walk away again. He seems to follow behind me all the way to class. "Wait. Girl can you help me?"

I roll my eyes as I look at him over my shoulder. "What?"

He smiles and rubs the back on his neck. "Can you help me find out where my class is?"

I turn towards him and put my hand out. "Let me see your schedule."

He hands me his schedule. I skim over it. "You got the same class as me."

I hand him back his schedule. He smiles. "Glad to meet someone in my class."

He opens the door for me. "Ladies first."

I look at him like he's crazy. "You're trying to be a little too nice there."

He laughs as I walk in. "I like to be nice to Ladies."

I sit in my seat and put my head down as he talks more. "Hey by the way my name is Kevin."

He stopped talking which made me look at him. "Ang."

I turn my head to the front of the class room as the teacher walked in. "Class we have a few new students."

A few? Two guys and a girl walk in. Kevin got up and stood next to them. "Please introduce yourselves."

The first to take a step forward looked kind of like Kevin, but had green eyes. "Hello my name is Dennis."

I heard some of the girls whispering that he is cute. Yeah cute, that's all. The girl took a step forward and smiled. She looked like a girl version of Dennis. Twins maybe. "Hello everyone, I'm Diana."

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